So, heres my final blog as your outgoing Postgraduate Officer. - TopicsExpress


So, heres my final blog as your outgoing Postgraduate Officer. First, three updates on Postgrads who Teach, Postgraduate Welcome Week and social space in your Union. And then, one final take-away point on students relationship with their SU: [...] the fact remains that the SU isn’t “just” here to sell you a sandwich, a pint or a night out, and the university experience as a whole isn’t “just” one big quest for “value-for-money”, an internship or a well-paid graduate job. Both institutions stand for more than that. [...] As students at Warwick, we may live in what’s known as ‘The Bubble’, but that does not mean that we should exist in a vacuum. When presented with the opportunity to have our say, to contribute to the debate, to shake things up or to re-shape our community, we should seize the opportunity. Otherwise, someone else - whether that’s the University Senior Management with their own agenda or those unscrupulous voices from the grubbier end of student politics – will, in turn co-opting our voices to their cause. The Union is here to help you become more engaged – but you have to make the choice to get involved, to offer constructive suggestions for improvement, and to harness our representative power for real change. warwicksu/blogs/blog/lucygill/2014/07/07/The-End-of-the-Road-Final-Thoughts-on-this-Year/
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:32:09 +0000

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