So, heres some food for thought regarding spit, DNA, genes, and - TopicsExpress


So, heres some food for thought regarding spit, DNA, genes, and how they relate to Jesus Christ carrying Gods DNA. Firstly, science tells us that matter cannot be created—it can only change shape. Ive studied Jesus life for, well, most of my own life. In all the healing He performed, He always did it in different ways. Most prominently He only had to speak and it was done. In some cases others touched His robe and were healed, cited as Thy faith hath healed thee. But theres three specific cases in which Christ used His own saliva—His spit, to heal people. When I was young, I was always kind of bothered by that because I thought that was kind of a cruel thing to do. Of course, that was the reasoning of a child, and I am no longer a child. Many a year I had pondered on this, and only recently I believe the answer has come to me. Consider a few things here: Christ was born from a womans womb. However, consider that to exist as a man, you require genes. He had the genes of his mother Mary, but then who else was involved? The Holy Spirit—a very part of God Almighty. We are made in the image of God, and made out of the dust of the Earth as well. But to me, it stands to reason even by science alone that Christs DNA was the DNA of God Himself. So I look back to these few instances when Christ used His own spit to heal people. Each one was slightly different, but in particular Id like to focus on the man whom was born blind. 6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, 7 And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. John 9:6-7 (KJV) This one in particular is very important to me in understanding something very interesting. While in two other cases the mud and clay made from His saliva were not used, to me, this falls under even the basics that science itself has said: Matter cannot be created—it can only change shape. Therefore even in the instance of turning water into wine, Christ did not say that He could make wine simply appear in the barrel, but instead first told them to fill it with water. Here again we see, this man was BORN BLIND. It was not afflicted afterward as he carried on about his days, but born that way. This man simply did not have his retina connected to his brain so that he may see. He was very much missing something, physically, to be able to see. Christ, however, possesses the DNA of God Almighty in his Earth-born body of a man as ordained by the Holy Spirit and the womb of his mother Mary. So He takes the dust from which we are made, combines it with His spit—a substance that contains genes and DNA, mixes it into mud and rubs it into the blind mans eyes. Then tells him to go wash... to mix it with water and have that Godly DNA and Earthly mud flow inward to his eye sockets, and then he could see. Im sure some may find this blasphemous in a way, that I am using science alongside holy scripture to prove a point. However, I submit to you that God created the sciences in the first place, and utilizing them, if anything, is a way for us to actually understand it. As I have said, God the Father is beyond our understanding by itself. It is when you apply Christ Jesus into the equation that things are understandable for our very meek brains. Jesus is Awesome. Just saying. https://youtube/watch?v=rnztMhtUF6o
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:32:20 +0000

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