So, heres something interesting I got in my email today - not sure - TopicsExpress


So, heres something interesting I got in my email today - not sure how true it is, so if anybody has some evidence one way or another, Id love to see it: I received this from Fred Conquest who is running for Governor on the Democratic ticket: Heres THE REAL NEWS as to WHY there are NO HARRY REID backed Democrats running for Governor of Nevada AGAINST Brian Sandoval. Harry wants Sandoval to win. In fact there was a Grand Bargain made and it goes like this: Sandoval supports the ACA exchange, Obamacare and Common Core educational proposal, the Reid machine will support Sandoval for Governor behind the scenes and not run a machine backed Democrat for Governor or give any money to any other Democrats who run. But... there is more. Harry and his minions will put big bucks and pressure to get Lucy Flores elected Lt. Governor. Then in 2016, Harry will nominate Sandoval to a major judgeship, if its a SOTUS seat, Obama will nominate him and hes a lock to win the nomination because Harry controls the Senate and the Repubs want another of their crew on the Appeals Court or SC. Sandoval will step down as Governor for this appointment and Lucy Flores will become Governor just in time for the 2016 election. As an Appeals Court or SC judge Sandoval would not run against, Harry in 2016. As Governor, Lucy Flores can help Harry get re-elected and have the power of the incumbency for her own re- election in 2018. Plus being Latino, Lucy Flores cements the Latino vote for the Democrats in 2016. Game, set, match, Harry Reid. I am not making this scenario up. I new there was something fishy going on and such. But, parts of the puzzle were missing. Both the RJ and RGJ were babbling about Sandoval being a lock for re-election. I did the math and since I can count, there is NO way Sandoval is a lock even with $3 million in his campaign coffers. No one really knows how 250K nonpartisan registered voters will vote and the Dems have 65K voter majority. I heard the full details about The PLAN yesterday morning at the Southern Nevada Forum - a meeting of almost all of the elected legislators - from a major Dem supporter with very inside connections and - from three elected legislators running with no opposition, one Dem and two Rep. When I asked them to support my campaign, both Republican said the identical thing: We cant, Harry wants Brian to win. The Dem said that only Lucy was going to get Dem support because Harry wants Sandoval to win and that their was a bargain made between Sandoval and Harry Reid about it. Interesting eh? And you thought Brian Sandoval was a clean, upstanding family guy, eh? Now everyone, except the voters, knows that Harry is the Godfather of the Mxxxxx Mafia in Nevada and is the Puppet Master. Hubris is about to catch up with him and Governor Sandoval. Now this plan is pretty shrewd, but it will only work if NO ONE but a few people know about it. And for sure it has nothing to do with solving any problems and is designed to shaft the people and keep the party hacks and good old boys in charge.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 17:09:32 +0000

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