So heres the story (Sorry for long post, but Im really sick and - TopicsExpress


So heres the story (Sorry for long post, but Im really sick and tired of all this shit) And save the youre just ungrateful feedbacks to yourself. If you were forced to do something that you dont want to do that could impact your future, how would you feel?: My parents tell me to go do research on what fashion colleges I would like to perhaps attend and in two days to give them research and stuff. Hounds me down to do so and lectures me. This is like HS senior year all over again (also reason why Im in some college with a major I dont want) I said okay, then my mother bothers me about Art Institute in ATL and I told her I remember hearing bad things about it before and they dont have fashion design but only fashion marketing. Then I guess she tattle-taled on me like she always does to the step dad and he gets mad. He tells me that I am going to the open house on Saturday but I told him Ive asked some friends and did research and saw that there were negative reviews about it. Then he goes I dont give a shit what those forums say just because his pride was hurt since he gets bad reviews for his business for bad attitude. (He most likely deserved those reviews because he has shitty attitude and temper problems.) He has the Im right, and youre wrong attitude to everything and everyone he does like hes some fkn alpha male. He dismisses everything I said and told me he doesnt care. (So much for researching if he chooses to be ignorant, granted there are BS forums out there but if theres an increasing amount of them, its hinting something). Then he starts lecturing me on that I am going no exceptions despite everything I just told him. Fashion Design isnt even offered in AI in ATL, only Fashion Marketing, I already looked it up and they cant manage to navigate the website properly to figure out that the website was for ALL the Art Institute Colleges in USA not just the ATL one. So they say Im wrong that Fashion is offered there and dismisses that. (I checked again now to make sure and its NOT OFFERED, only in Decatur it is.) Also, I already told my boss at work Ill be there at work on Saturday (The chef is going out of town so the boss has to takeover, so shell need more workers). Point is, I gave her my word and that Ill be there. Then the step dad goes I dont give a shit about your stupid job, who cares if you already told them, just tell them you cant, just call in sick (wow what great responsible parent, role model 4 lyfe gais). Then I tell him this is really last minute then my mother goes No its not~ Its on Saturday! (Last minute my ass, tomorrow is Friday). Funny thing, he was giving me an analogy earlier of how if my future employer gave me something to do and I didnt uphold my part of the work, Id be fired in an instance. And now youre telling me to skip my job that I already was informed about a week in advance to visit a college I dont intend on applying to, hypocrite much? Oh wait, you were always a hypocrite and never listened to anyone. I try reasoning it out some more but he just shoots down everything I say, then finally places an ultimatum of Either youre going to AI on Saturday or youre quitting fashion design. Everything was word for word. Great job parents of asking me to pick out a school I want to go to. Aki Huang Cathy Yang Teddy Souranonh
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 03:26:03 +0000

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