So heres the thing: I have been feeling itchy and uneasy these - TopicsExpress


So heres the thing: I have been feeling itchy and uneasy these past two months. At first, I thought I was just bitten by an insect. But days passed by and the marks on my arms doubled, tripled, and even scattered up to my legs. I decided to consult a dermatologist. After around 30 seconds of examining my skin, she concluded that it was a fungal infection. Hooray. I was sort of amazed. After days of struggling, I finally know whats happening to me. But the fact that she just examined me for a few seconds made me think that a.) Shes really an expert on this thing, first look on it and she already knew it b.) Shes kind of natatamad and wanna go home already c.) She doesnt know what shes talking about So I bought everything she prescribed. Take note that they are all exclusively available at her clinic. On my follow-up check up, she gave me new sets of meds and said that I am already getting better. On the third check-up, she examined me again and said that I do not seem to react properly to the meds. So she gave me new sets of the expensive meds available at her clinic. I was hesitant to buy them because I thought I was just wasting my money over nothing. A month has passed since I started taking the meds she prescribed yet I was not getting any better. And so I followed my Dads advice to have a second opinion. I decided to go and consult to another dermatologist who happened to have the same name as mine. She welcomed and greeted me, Hey Katokayo! She began examining my skin. We then had an interview. It turned out that her diagnosis is a lot different from that of the previous dermatologist. She said that if she is correct, I had been given the wrong diagnosis and wrong medication. And I was like, What the fuuuck. I knew ittt. She prescribed me new sets of meds, (which are not exlusively available at her clinic) and I immediately bought them. Two days after, I felt better. A lot better. And now, I am looking forward to seeing Dra. Michelle for my follow-up check up. Bottomline: MEDICAL MALPRACTICE. I am really wanting to visit her one of these days and let her check me for the nth time. And Ill tell her that hey, did you know that youre treating me improperly? Did you know that the expensive meds you have prescribed me worsened my situation? I did not mean to offend anyone here. I just wanted to here her side over what happened to me. Obviously, I did not get any better. Obviously, a mistake has been committed and obviously, I deserve an explanation.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:10:49 +0000

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