So heres the winning story from Paul. A life in the days of - TopicsExpress


So heres the winning story from Paul. A life in the days of Gotham: (My Gotham story). I could write a book on Gotham Café, but to save the sanity of the judging panel I will present my offering in a few bite sized chunks: Between 1993 and 1994 two momentous events occurred in my life. Gotham cafe opened its doors and I started dating my wife, Nóirín. We spent many a happy hour chatting, flirting, eating and drinking in this wonderful little oasis. One evening I mentioned to David, the co-owner, that I greatly admired a particular poster framed on the wall. The photograph was taken the year I was born and I asked if he’d sell it to me! “No” was the answer. Fair enough. It would have left a messy gap. I asked where I could find a copy. “New York” he said. Oh well! Some months later I was there with Nóirín when he came to the table with a tube containing a copy of the poster which is now framed and takes pride of place in my sitting room. This gesture typifies Gotham. I do not mean that I received lots more posters – I didn’t- but it represented a generosity of spirit that pervaded Gotham and continues to do so. It is a defining characteristic and a clear reason why there is such a low turnover of staff, a coterie of regular customers, and everybody gets to know each other so well. There is no positive discrimination towards the “elite” in Gotham either. If you book your table it’s yours. I remember strolling in one evening while poor old Mel Gibson sat outside propped against the window ledge waiting his turn for a table. I almost felt like a movie star! For me Gotham has always been a social site, a work site (I read and write there regularly) and a place to feel warm and welcome. Often when we have a gathering of family or meet with friends, this is where we congregate. Dinner before the Christmas pantomime, getting together before setting off on summer holidays, planning to take over the universe – whatever is on the agenda, this is a great place to plan and to celebrate. Nóirín and I married in 1999 and our wedding cake consisted of two Gotham New York cheesecakes – it’s still the best cheesecake I’ve tasted anywhere – including Manhattan itself. Despite my dropping one in the Stephen’s Green car park – which was competently reconstructed by the hotel chef before Nóirín set eyes on it – they were a huge hit with the guests. I am a creature of habit, not quite Sheldonesque (for those of you who enjoy The Big Bang Theory) but not far off. As in the case of Gotham, when I come to love something - a person, a place, a singer, a television programme – that’s it - I keep coming back. Staff members get to know your peculiarities and the regular components of your order (the wine in my case!) and often when I’d walk into Gotham, Leonard Cohen (I’m a dedicated fan since 1971) would magically sing out over the music system. I am still a regular, sometimes with Nóirín, although right now we spend a lot of time in Clare, where she lives and I’m a part timer! She began to worry at one point about the impact of pizza on my waistline, but I explained that like many other magical things about this wonderful restaurant – Gotham Pizza is slimming pizza! I still don’t know what was attacking my waistline? I’ve enjoyed my (almost) twenty year relationship with Gotham. Hopefully in another twenty I’ll still be fit enough to hobble in on my walking stick. With Leonard on his current endless tour as a role model, I’m filled with optimism!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:39:46 +0000

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