So hilarious.....possibly teaches me a lesson for being so - TopicsExpress


So hilarious.....possibly teaches me a lesson for being so friendly to people at a bustop. So Im sat there this morning in town on my way to sisters flat, odd lad dancing down the street, with his headphones in starts singing one direction. He sits down and i smile so i dont let him see how wierd i think he appears. Then i notice his mouth moving as if he has something to say so i take my headphones out. God its so hot today, my skin is so dleicate i need some shade. he says...sighing like hes cheryl cole in the middle of an aerobics lesson Me, *nods*..... Him, What music you listening to? I have 1D on, they are so cool, but like sort of getting boring now he says exictedly Me, *nods* Him, you know what we look like a boyband, us two sat here, we need to get at least 1 more guy and we could start a band; i bet everyone is checking us out right now, omg BGT talent is back we should practice for next year Me, i dont really know you..... (before i get the chance to say anything else) Him,omg who cares, i have a friend that looks like you; so its not like youre a complete stranger. And that will be our story, we have only jsut met and formed this amazing band in the space of a week....i mean im in my first year of 6th form, but like i only go because my parents force me. If i became a superstar i wouldnt need 6th form anymore... Me, you should probably finish 6th form though.... Him, hmm youre right, because what if simon cowell asks me questions like whats your favoraite shakespeare book, and then im like i have no clue Me, exactly, and youve got to make sure you have other career options incase it fails Him, well that might happen when im like 25 cause then ill be older and would maybe need a solo career cause i wouldnt be a boy anymore Me, Im 25, i wouldnt be able to be in your band then Him, OMG, your 25, my mum and dad would be so pissed off if i brought a 25 year old home with me...... .......Ding Ding, Heres my bus....Needless to say, i walked all the way home from my sisters on the way back, was made to feel old, scared, freaked out and sort of sorry for this young, kinda of stupid overly camp lad; quite worryingly trusting lad. Is that me 7 years ago? haha Maybe i should tell him not to talk to busstop people too! Ive learnt my lesson far too late! Least i told him to finish school! :) #Homooftheyear #Louisspence #busstopwierdo
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:41:56 +0000

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