So i got bored and wrote another story, here it - TopicsExpress


So i got bored and wrote another story, here it is.-thedarkness Ah, sunset comeths, the hour of darkness aproaches, quickly i sprinted towards my home. I sprinted without knowledge of the nightmares that awaited me. As i walked inside, i felt an evil sensation coming from down the corridors. I walked toward the bathroom and as i walked inside, i stumbled and fell through a hole, how deep was this hole. An hour has passed as i awake inside a hospital of some sort. I slowly leaned foward when suddenly i was ambushed by 3 creatures. They slashed and ripped apart my jeans as i fought back. Suddenly one of those disgusting creatures grabbed me from behind and slit my throat. I fell into the darkness not knowing whether i was dead or alive. A couple days have passed and no one has heard from or seen me. They started to worry alot more, have they given up hope, and await for a miracle to happen. Hah, miracles, as if that will eyes suddenly opened, as i awoke in my bed, was it all a dream, or was this in fact the dream. I stood up and walked towards the front door, as i stepped outside, all i could see was a thick fog, i can barely see 5 inches in front of me. I walked back inside and grabbed an old flashlight from the dining room table, the flashlight still worked. I then left and walked through the thick fog. 10 minutes have passed and not a single house has been seen, when suddenly, i crashed into a door. Not knowing where i was, i checked to see if it will open. The door slammed open and i stumbled into my own home. Huh, i must have walked in circles. No...this cant be my house, theres a flashlight on the dining room table. Then, out of the corner of my eyes, i saw myself, he quickly sprinted towards me and knocked me over. As he grabbed a knife and slashed at me, i kicked his stomach and launched him far but as i got up. He stabbed me and ripped my insides out, i collapsed dead. He stood over or rather, the other me stood over, stood over my lifeless body and sat down and started eating the meat from my corspe. He slowly giggled and said your time is at an end, all you once known will come to an end and Ill replace you for i am you. I am the darkness in your soul. I am the dark, and to everyone reading this, make sure you stepped into the right home for who knows. You might be next.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:57:48 +0000

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