So i guess you are all wondering what this group is all about, Why - TopicsExpress


So i guess you are all wondering what this group is all about, Why have you brought us all here? I hear you ask. Well i guess it is time to shed some light, and its not a dim light nor is it a faint one it isnt even a 50 watt bayonet but a bright and effervescent light which if shone right could be a beacon so real and just could change our bleak and dull existence. Inside each of us is a power to bring about change, a power so strong that people will have no choice but to pay heed. No more will we except the norm, no more will we stand by while Mister and Misses BLAH monopolise and dictate with a maniacal foothold. We are power, we are unique, we are proud to be not apart of the mainstream, we are proud to be creative, we embrace difference, we nurture talent not Stifle it, we have dreams which are big and bold and we do not wish to SETTLE!! I am in the process of bringing about change to the area, a change which we have all been craving for so very long... The plan is to create an Alternative venue, not one that just puts on a few bands once or twice a week to bump up their midweek and that just relies on the bands to bring a following or one with the odd club night. No a proper balls out alternative venue that does it right and right from the start. My aim is to not just use local bands that are trying to get established but to help them get established, help them build a following. I aim to bring in real up and coming acts from across the country, bands which are just about to break which are not only credible but ones which others can aspire to. These band will not only help draw in a crowd for the local bands to win over but will also set a bench mark of quality. This venue will run events every week with live bands and acts of all types and every act will get a chance. And i am not just talking about mid week I am talking about Fridays and Saturdays too. Also apart of my plans is to run weekly club nights including and rock and metal night which will feature bands earlier on with a club night to follow. Also Comedy nights, fashion shows, art exhibitions, rockaoke, rebel bingo, kaylee nights plus so much more. I aim for the venue not just to be a platform but a forum for ideas and creativity. A place where like minded people can get together and find support, prospects and belief that anything is possible. A place where we all belong. But I can only do this if i have support... YOUR SUPPORT! This is to big a project to do alone but as a collective we can all achieve this and it is so very tangible, it is within our grasp we just have to realise it. My aim to have this all up and running by April. This is all well and good but you need a venue to do this dont you? Yes you are right and YES I have one!! I just need a team!!! So Are you with me??
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 11:52:01 +0000

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