So i havent been posting daily posts about what I am thankful for. - TopicsExpress


So i havent been posting daily posts about what I am thankful for. So im going to post 30 things that im thankful for 1 for everyday of the month! 1. I am thankful for my family and how much we love eachother. 2. I am thankful for life. Though it can be hard at times, im glad to be alive. 3. I am thankful for the love my children show me. They tell me everyday how much they love me and those words make each day that much better. 4. I am thankful for the bond I share with my mother. I know we dont get to be on this earth forever so the time we do have together im happy we spend it loving, and laughing together. Im thankful shes my best friend. 5. Im thankful for my fiance jessie. We have been together 8 years now. Those 8 years have been good to me. Ofcourse we have ups and downs as most couples do but I couldnt ask for a better man, or father. He is amazing:) 6. I am thankful for my aunt Jean Kiser. She is one of the strongest people I have ever met. The only woman I have known to carry 2 jobs, take care of her ill mother, while going to school. She has always been a strong woman for as long as I have known her. I have so much respect for her. She is also so caring. She would do anything for the people she loves. 7. I am thankful for jessies family. His parents have always been there for us. Tonya Hawes has a warm heart and cares so much about her family and friends. She works hard and raised 2 amazing kids. And jr is a very good good man. He also works very hard, jessies says he always has. He would give the shirt off his back if you needed it They are good people and amazing grandparents. And Jennifer Von Duhn, jessies sisters family, are wonderful people as well. Jenn has a big heart and would do anything for her family. They are truely amazing people. As is the rest of his family, grandma Phyllis Bolin, aunt Jaci Noggle and uncle bob, and the rest of the family. I would name you all but your family is huge:) but I love you all and im thankful to be part of your family. 8. Im thankful for movies. Its one of my favorite things to do when im bored. 9. Im thankful for my stepdad dave. Though hes not always easy to get a long with, hes always good to jessie, the kids and myself. I know he loves us and hes a good grandfather to the kids. 10. I am thankful for Nathan Grieves. Hes my best friend and one of the best people ive ever met. He helped me take care of dylan when dylan was a baby. He drove me to dayton nearly everyday so I could see dylan while he was in the hospital after his birth. He took care of dylan for me durring the day so I could finish school. I could go on and on, but all I need to say is he is wonderful and has a heart of gold and I live him. 11. I am thankful for summer. I love swimming, camping, cookouts, and the 4th of july, also celebrating my daughter ellies birthday july 1st. 12. I am thankful for dylan, he is a very good, smart, well mannered, kind hearted, loving boy. Hes do wonderful. I love his so much and would do anything for him as i would any of my babies. He was my first born and one of my main reasons for breathing. I live for my children. 13. I am thankful for chloe. Shes my baby girl and always will be. I love her to the ends of the earth! Shes such a smart kid. And She can be so sweet at times then 10 min. later show you the attitude of a 15 year old. She was my first little girl and the day I found out I was having her was one of the best days of my life also was the day I gave birth to her.(The other best days were when I gave birth to my other 2 and when I met Jessie Hawes) 14. I am thankful for my daughter Ellie. Shes one of a kind. Shes mommys little shaddow. Always wanys to be with mommy. Shes the biggest monster and the sweetest little girl. Depends on what mood you catch her in. I love her dearly. 15. I am thankful im halfway done. 16. I am thankful for holidays. It does bring me and others a little stress, sometimes a lot, but it also brings happiness, love, and memories. It brings love ones together. And it gives you a reason to have a party sometimes:) 17. Im thankful for presents. Not nessisarly the gift inside though thats nice too. I just love to see presents under the tree on christmas morning. Theyre so pretty and brings back memories. 18. Im thankful for snow days. When the kids dont have school and we can build snow men or go sledding. Family fun days in the snow rock! 19. Im thankful for my bed. Oh how I love my bed. I cant seem to wanna stay away. I have a very special bond with my bed. Its so soft and comfortable I just cant leave it! 20. Im thankful for our van. Though its not brand new, it is the newest vehilcle weve ever had. Its a 2008 potuac montana and the best thing about it, other than it runs, is its dvd player. It does something no one can, keeps my children quiet in the vehicle. 21. Im thankful for my house. Its not a castle but its out castle. Its big enough for our family with 4 bedrooms 1 bath 2 living rooms and the kitchen id say were lucky. Not the exact place I would prefer our house to be at, the country, or out of sidney, would be better but the house itself I love. 22. Im thankful for the time I got to spend with my grandma before she got sick. She was like a second mom to me. Her and I were very close and I love and miss her dearly. 23. Im thankful for my best friend Stan Cechvala, hes more like my brother than my friend and we drive each other crazy but hes always been a good friend. And he always will be my friend. 24. Im thankful for our dog max (nibbles) chloe calls him nibbles cause he nibbles on everything lol. Hes about 10 weeks now. Hes a little baby. So cute and loves to cuddle. Especially with jessie. Hes def found of jess. Hes always following him around. 25. Im thankful for the food in our fridge and jessie for buying it cause without food and water we would die. 26. Im thankful for jessies vacation days. I love when he takes the day off and we get to spend more time with him. 27. Im thankful for schools. Without them our children would be dummies. 28. Im thankful for date nights. I love when jessie and I get to spend an evening alone. Dinner and the movies are the best date nights:) 29 im thankful for my girl friends. Though I dont see any of them much, im thankful for when I do. Jennifer Leiss Kelly McCarty 30. Im thankful for my phone. Without it I could not have done this!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 03:50:32 +0000

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