So i wanna share something with you from my experience today, so i - TopicsExpress


So i wanna share something with you from my experience today, so i was at the library doing some subtle evangelism, some might call it flirting whatever lol also there is nothing wrong with flirting if both individuals are single, it boost both participants self esteem if it goes well, i live to please Christ i dont care what people think, the reason i was making a strong effort to evangelize to this lady, was because if she lived for Christ her beauty would be enough to draw anyone to Christ, now their are many definitions of beauty, i happen to observe people closely with spiritual eyes and discern hearts, any way seeing that that people of the world are highly attracted to her outer beauty and her grace given ability to be a leader, she became a prime target, i like to evangelize to everyone but through wisdom i know its good to choose, people who have already been trained by the Spirit of God, and just dont have the knowledge of Christ, once they know Christ they make quick a strong disciples, this is a whole nother topic, any way so im thinking to my self, i wanna just talk to her about Jesus, but i dont want to be questioned about my motives etc. yaddah yaddah yaddah, in my soul im like Jesus help, boom no sooner i think help and bam there is a good buddy from church standing in front of me, so i invite him to sit down and i strike up a conversation about Jesus, that particular friend is a lil shy about his faith so i had to sort of be quiet but im certain she was within vocal range, he had to leave to finish his own studies, so i start to finish mine when bam another friend from church who happens to be female that no one would confuse my motives for talking to her sits down and starts a heated discussion about doctrine, sooooo Holy Spirit, im thinking to myself this couldnt have gon any better thank you Jesus, her passion about her faith and her disagreement with mine at points made her speak loud enough for the whole library to hear pretty much, ne way i also was able to raise my tone to a level just below hers which was pretty loud without being aggressive, bam thank you Jesus the library can hear me too!!! my story of my stealth mode evangelism, started simply studying the bible in front of people, i wasnt even really bold enough to step right out, but God helped me so efficiently the whole way, anyone in that library could have come to the knowledge of Christ or at least be more interested because people seem to have a misconception that Christians arent cool, or arent like them, id just like to send a shout out to all the ladies, yall r so beautiful, have no idea why some of you guys r insecure, figured this might be one of my last chances to evangelize and and encourage beautiful women, i sense my relationship with my future wife is bout to be on and poppin, n im praying that she is a woman that will have a righteous jealously for me and wont exactly appreciate me talking to other ladies, pray for me fam, i actually happen to have someone on my mind very strongly right now, i dont wanna make a single mistake, so if you single get your evangelize on, you might meet your future spouse, be careful not to fall into temptation though, i dont really need to warn you Jesus has worked in my life in such a mighty way, Hes managed to keep every woman away from me thats not meant for me that i would be weak around, again thats another crazy detailed story, ne way something super personal to me, kinda had to bold n break out to share with a whole lot of people, i hope it encourages evangelism, if your bored as a single christian do it, its so exciting and gratifying, you never know what will happen and you never know who you will meet, or how you will change a life, watching a lot my friends and family grow in Christ with their own personal relationship, is so incredibly exciting, if you made like a line graph of success pre Christ is like horizontal, after Christ pure vertical, keep growing my brothers n sisters love yall, shalom !!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 07:20:52 +0000

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