So i was talking to someone who was a friend but isnt anymore - TopicsExpress


So i was talking to someone who was a friend but isnt anymore because hes better than me and he made an online game people can play against other people. i thought, 1. no one plays the games i make (possibly because i dont release them), 2. i wanted to learn this new Web UI stuff and 3. seriously, i hate the dude. It made me wonder, could i make a game hosted on the Web written purely in HTML stuff (no flash or unity) that people would play? My first thought was obviously PaperDoll, a large, asset heavy, 3D game, and thats an absolutely not. GopherTD might be hard but even if it werent, its not something i can publish. Kyle and i had started on PaperDoll RPG and that would actually work pretty well (with some art changes) but its not very far along. i have a few i never published. Counter-Strike TD might be nice but its more a research isnt-that-AI-impressive game than a super fun 2 player game. Game of Love is a 1 player story-focused game so not really something people would play the way they do stupidheads wildly popular game. And then i remembered AI Game. It obviously has a terrible name but its written, its been play tested by dozens of people and its a lot of fun (to me). Most of my Brown students have played the game. id ask if you thought it was fun but it was homework so you are obligated to say no. AI Game started as a clone of the combat system of Heroes of Might & Magic IV (turn based strategy game). It was designed to have AI bots fight each other. You wrote and uploaded agents and the game ran them. So... If i made this game id have to rewrite the entire thing in Javascript, right? That would mean rewriting the entire game from scratch. im no JS expert but i seem to remember that it didnt support virtual methods. Or inheritance. Or classes. Or being a real language. Seriously, why the hell do you people love this language so much? Its not just shit, its an embarrassment. If there is any intention of writing client-side Web apps they either need to replace Javascript or, um,... No, thats it. Stupid language cant even declare variable types. Javascript is completely unsuited to writing anything other than quick and dirty scripts and this hacker bullshit needs to stop. Stop saying if we work hard enough we can make Javascript and HTML do things that are trivial in every other language and therefore everything is fine. Its not fine. The whole point of computers is to make life easier, to be a solution, not an obstacle a clever monkey can hack around. So heres as far as i got with baylor-builds-a-Web-game. Is Javascript really as worthless as it seems? Can i really not define a class hierarchy in it or do basic OO? Do i really have to use Javascript? Theres no real programming language Web client apps can use? i am confident in my ability to work around the inherent flaws in Web app development and hack some horrid hacks to get things that are trivial to do with a programming language just as i am confident that, with enough time, i could make a toaster over out of tinfoil, matches and chewing gum but i am too old and experienced to take joy in fighting my tools or delight in my ability to make adequate things from bad pieces. Engraving your name on a piece of rice is impressive but its technical masturbation, not something a professional with a job to do does. So seriously, those of you making these fancy Web apps and SPAs and such, is Javascript as deficient as all the tutorials make it seem?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 02:01:15 +0000

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