So, ill post this, even though most on my list arent local and - TopicsExpress


So, ill post this, even though most on my list arent local and wouldnt understand to whom im referring... but for those few who are, and like to converse with their friends..... (and even the concept is the same for those who arent local) Both mother and I have been asked a couple of times already arent you ready to jump ship?, referring to the volunteer work were currently performing for/with one of the local Mayoral Candidates in this years Municipal Election. To which i Respond...would I like to be doing something else, perhaps less stressful? YES. So why wont I jump ship? (as many in town feel this candidate is a lost cause, (and get this, its over a really shortsighted and not well understood or published concept: Parkway (there is a section of geological space that has been set aside since the 1940s/1950s for a bi-secting transway that was to be a straight shot from north end, to south end of the City; its been in debate ever since the land was deeded to the City for such purposes), NO PARKWAY... the very people who have supported our candidate in past elections have all jumped ship, because it was rumoured that the other candidate was strictly all about NO PARKWAY... yet, that candidate has given no direct, simple answer as to their commitment about YES/NO to the parkway. So, .. the twofaced idiots who basically felt they could pull the strings of my candidate (and have realized they cant) are jumping ship to lend support to someone they believe they can influence to be NO PARKWAY. Sometimes, its not about WInning or Loosing, but showing support. Supporting a friend because THEY feel its a worthy cause, not becasue you do or dont. Sometimes its about Doing the right thing, even if it hurts you. We have become a culture of lets do it the easy way because im afraid to take a risk. Yes, as a nation we took a risk with Stephen Harper and now his behaviour has burnt us badly. HE sold us to China for christs sake! What The HELL was he Thinking!?!?!?!? We are BRITISH Colony, NOT an independent nation to do entirely as we so choose, we only have independent government. Yet hes gone and Sold our soles to China. However, im getting distracted with nation politics, when im trying to talk about local municipal politics. Sometimes its not about weither we personally feel it will benefit us, but whither or not it will benefit the City as a whole. This candidate, has had alot of so-called friends and previous support vanish because they were lured away by pretty sounding non-committal words of a sociopath spindoctor. (Who may or may not have any actual good ideas, but is wanting to be in politics for all the wrong reasons.) What do you do, when you see the cowards and the brainless jumping ship? wish them well and ??? In the mean time, if your sick, and someone gives you medicine that will cure you, but it tastes nasty and gross; do you stop taking it? or not take it at all, simply because you dont like the taste? Or do you suck it up, take it, get yourself fixed and keep on carrying on? And yes, i also acknowledge that this advice/question can also be applied to my/our situation. But again, were talking about something thats bigger then a single person, bigger then a small community or special interest group. Were talking a City of 78,000 (minimum) people, 5 biker gangs, a hospital too small and getting smaller, housing developments expanding to the west faster then the city can install and adjust infrastructure for, a split downtown core (George/water & Lansdowne) and a bunch of Criminals making all the decisions. Apparently at an event last night, my candidate was asked Why do you have to always be so honest and respectful? Couldnt you play devious and unfair just alittle, like the rest of them? Im happy and proud to say that my candidate stood up to those people and said NO, they had to be honest and truethful because if they werent thered be no way to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack of sociopaths and criminals. (not to imply Allen Wilson is a criminal, Hes a retired Police officer!) But the concept is the same; My candidate stands up for values that have long since been discarded in favour of underhanded deceitful tactics of spindoctoring and illusions practiced by so many politicians now days. She may not win, she may not get the support from the community that she has put in over the years returned to her; but she stands for the values that matter. Now if we can get people to stand up and return some of the effort, time and commitment to come help in the campaign office,... then it wont seem quite so much like i want to run away screaming at the end of each day. lol :) A burden shared, is a burden Lightened. :)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:52:20 +0000

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