noticing ALL of this new found discovery and - TopicsExpress

   noticing ALL of this new found discovery and celebration of Bro. Bert Williams, (Masonic Brother, and Artist) who according to most records is Bahamian by birth. ( True to form..... we Bahamians are quick to claim him and try to celebrate his legacy as an activist and artist in America. This level of hypocrisy ANGERS ME TO NO END. Truth be told... if Bro. Williams was living in todays Bahamas he would have to be a Security Officer or Construction Worker.... and a part time artist to survive. He would have had to contend with the Police Band and Defence Force Band for jobs as a performer to survive. He probably would not have lasted a long time in his Fraternal Organisation or any other organisation because of his boldness and willingness to speak out in the face of wrong. Yet.... someone in the Ministry of Tourism and others just discovered this name and the success he had as a black man in America and was quick to see born in the Bahamas and so lets own him. HYPOCRISY... I SAID!! Baha Men had all the struggle in the world surviving as artists here at home, but after the Grammy Award..... theyre our boys. Elisha Obed struggled as a boxer... but after winning the Jr. Middleweight Championship hes our boy. Michael Sweet Bells Thompson was a lazy basketball player... until he won championships with the Lakers.... Hes now our boy. Im not even gonna get on the part about Joseph Spence except to say that he died as a SECURITY OFFICER working at Oakes Field Primary. Did I say Im ANGRY!! COME ONE BAHAMAS..... STOP THE HYPOCRISY. STOP TAKING OUR OWN PEOPLE FOR GRANTED.... ESPECIALLY OUR ARTISTS. All the other discussions about the Haitian issue etc pales in the light of how horribly we treat our local artists. Im ready to place a bet on the table that the Police and Defence Force Bands will work MORE Christmas parties than all of the other bands combined. How is this right? But let Ira Storr, or Visage or another band get a hit record or do something internationally and watch how quickly they become our boys. Im tired of it folks......... I GEEEEEEE!!! What say yall!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:17:41 +0000

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