America...shhhhhhh. But in Africa, where pharmaceutical - TopicsExpress

   America...shhhhhhh. But in Africa, where pharmaceutical advertising is not legal he is heard. His business and reputation are still destroyed. But...he is heard. He saves lives. Awhile back, when I began working with Andy and those closest to this controversy a friend I used to work out with said, LJ, you know I love you, but could something happen to me too? Are they going to start trailing me? I dont need any trouble. I explained there are about a thousand of us who really truly know the score...a thousand people who know what is happening to the children of this country. Politically. Scientifically. Medically. So, take your chances I guess? I was only half joking. I want to be clear. While many of you are throwing purse parties and playing cards and bowling and enjoying all the trappings of modern american life, many of us are being traced. Many of us are being tracked, our conversations MONITORED. Not because we are counterculture wackos. BECAUSE WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR KIDS. We know this is global. WE know that the bastions of GLOBAL HEALTH ARE COMPLICIT IN THESE CRIMES. THEY. KNOW. You walk for UNICEF? You support vaccine injury. YOU support the WHO? You help another child die of SIDS and usher another potential mother toward sterilization (you have to read the science to get this--so READ IT). If you support GAVI you are giving children in countries who had virtually no autism rate SKYROCKETING AUTISM RATES. On this side, it is so very hard not to sound a bit pious. Because, on this side of the fence, where we watch you all spread your pesticides and take your medicine and eat your McDonalds...WE KNOW. We know what is coming. We know what is ALREADY HAPPENING and is constantly explained away. Of course correlation does not equal causation when you are the authors, promoters and proliferators of these TOXIC illnesses and our economic system is DEPENDENT upon a belief in preventative medical care, GMO foods, and synthetic living to keep going. What is saddest of all? Most of you will read this and say Wow, really make me think. Wow, yeah, I always think you are a bit extreme...but yeah, I guess youve got some great points. And will do...nothing. You will go back to your purse party and I will go back to my post on the wall, where I work with a thousand others day and night trying to protect those who would have my children taken away from me. Not because of my beliefs. Because of what I KNOW. Real knowledge, obtained through INTENSE very very dangerous. If you will not engage, may I respectfully ask that you at least consider learning just a bit about how our government works? Step beyond your party affiliation--if you have one--and delve into the actual INFORMATION you are being handed on a daily basis? I am shocked to learn about how many grown folks know NOTHING about our government. dear dear how we got here. We have out grown spoon-feeding by now...dont you think? Please do not continued to feed off the regurgitated propaganda youve grown so accustomed to. Think.THINK The Thinking Moms Revolution.... Preach it Lisa Joyce Goes!!!! youtube/watch?v=JyVPTgfe2QA&
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 20:34:35 +0000

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