So, in an effort to prepare myself for the coming onslaught of - TopicsExpress


So, in an effort to prepare myself for the coming onslaught of grad school, I decided to get on my computer and find all of my big research papers from undergrad (a much more arduous task than expected). Among my things, I found a very presumptuous letter to mayor Ray Negin on how to clean up New Orleans after katrina, nearly all the Green Oak applications from when Tanya and I were T.A.s, and this little unfinished, hopeful, short thought that cheered me up so I thought I might share: We are all born in a time caught somewhere between the past and the future. I live in a place and time where people are constantly trying to make time. I live in a society that doesnt have the capacity to appreciate what came before it. To consider the old ideas and new ideas as interchangeable, both useful in different ways. I live in a world that moves to fast to think about the big picture, only yearly totals and monthly goals. We have lost our stories to economic exchanges. We have lost our appreciation for ability and fitness to the gym. We have lost out knowledge of the elements to computers, and mass machinery. Ive lost the big picture too. I know the small picture fixes but Im striving to regain that lost portrait of how to solve this nagging consuming problem. and you can only write what you know, so here it goes… The small picture steps: Stop worrying about time and money and enjoy something free (like a sunset). Grow Something that you can eat. Make something that you or someone else can use. Tell or write a story. Cook without coal or gas. Buy locally. Ride your bike or use those feet for what theyre made for. Go hunting. Barter. Limit creation of trash: Reuse Give your old things away. compost
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:19:23 +0000

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