So, in one week’s time, I had someone (a college student) think - TopicsExpress


So, in one week’s time, I had someone (a college student) think I was my grandson’s mom…and someone (okay, a four-year-old) think I was my great-niece’s great grandma. Not long after, I had someone (a full-fledged grown-up) tell me I looked like and had the energy of a woman half my age. I youthfully and confidently walked away. Then, I hit a set of stairs, and glanced back at that same someone’s sympathetic (& kind of horrified) look, as she painfully watched me painfully ascend a set of stairs…like a 100-year-old. Why do I climb stairs in this manner? Oh, just the residuals from last winter’s nasty knee injury (did a George Jetson on the ice)…a mere week after I bragged to half the town that I - a middle-aged woman - smeared my 6th graders in several sets of dodge ball. “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. “ Proverbs 16:18 (NIV) Yep. “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2 (NIV) Yep, again. I know these are somewhat humorous examples of my battles with pride…but like most humans, I have way deeper ones to turn over. – Lord, as we start this week, may we humbly yield our lives to You. We need Your wisdom, but it can’t be obtained or contained…when pride remains. May we never trust our own abilities…but, be completely confident in You. Holding out and onto hope, KyAnne (My Daily Disappearance)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:24:04 +0000

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