So in reference to my post about subway earlier... A friend - TopicsExpress


So in reference to my post about subway earlier... A friend had asked me last night if we could meet up today, and I recommended we meet up and grab a sandwich at subway because of a past positive experience she and I had both had there recently. She declined, and we never ended up hanging out. I usually wouldnt go eat anywhere by myself in public, but from the remembrance of the thought of a delicious subway sandwich i decided to go anyway. I pulled into a parking space facing the road, and there sat a bus stop (with no cover mind you, in the blazing 95 degree weather) with an old black woman laying down on the bench, just exhausted from the heat. I thought to myself, that poor woman.. but didnt give it any much thought. I proceeded to get out of the car, I shut the door and began to walk inside. I reached around myself to lock the car with the automated lock key, and the horn went off loudly. The loud horn woke the poor sweet woman up from her exhausted sleep, and I instantly felt horrible. I then thought to myself, I am going to share my sandwich with this woman, and Im going to bring it out to her and surprise her with it. I go inside and stand in line. I glance outside while waiting for the employees to get un busy, and I saw the woman begin to get up and come inside for some reason. She could barely even walk from the stop all the way to the store, fumbling onto her knees a few times.. So tired from the heat. My heart ripped a little more, this poor woman. I could barely take it at this point. She makes it inside and one cashier becomes available. This woman stumbled straight up to me, with no knowledge of how she had gotten there. I knew better. I said to this woman in front of everyone, Im so sorry I woke you up, I want to share my sandwich with you today if thats okay. Her face lit up, she thanked and thanked me over and over. Everyone in the entire store was watching at this point, I had absolutely no realization of this because I was so focused on helping this woman. Suddenly, the bus she was waiting for pulled up to the stop. She sighed with disbelief, for she had waited in the blazing heat for that ride. She looked at me, but I had already made up in my mind that I was going to bring her home. I will take you wherever you need to go maam I said to her. She smiled so graciously... Thanking me deeply. I glanced over at the woman making our sandwiches and she looked at me with amazement... Then smiled. We proceeded to order, she demanded me get her a coke instead of water (lol, one little indulgence, Ill aid to that) and we went to the check out. The total came out to be 13$, and I only had 11$. I told the cashier I had to get more money, I did not have enough... But he had apparently just watched what I had done for the woman, and he proceeded to take off the drinks he had rang up. I thanked him deeply and graciously, knowing that my act of kindness had rubbed off. Satisfied, i began to lead the sweet woman to my car.. When a man I hadnt even remembered was in the room tells me, that was really sweet of you, miss. I thanked him deeply for his acknowledgment, and stopped to look at his divine to tell him, Its so important.. We have to be kind. I led the woman to my car, helped her in and we took off. we drove a little ways and had a decent interesting conversation. She spoke of the weather, how hot it was repeatedly. She was so tired if being in this heat.. She prayed for rain often. I told her i shared a common love for the rain, and we agreed it would protect her in the heat. We then went into discussing the cold, she said she hated the freezing. Balance is what she prayed for, a place she could go with a perfect temperature. How enlightening I thought to myself. Not too much... Not too little.. A perfect balance is what the woman wanted. She told me I had given enough of my time, to stop at the next bus stop and let her off there. I asked her 3 times if she was sure, I felt like I could take her wherever she needed. She told me no, and I listened. Before she got out, she begged me to pray for her to find, a man and some land lol, as ridiculous as it sounded.. I told her I hoped she would be blessed with everything she needed in her life, with everything I had inside of me. She thanked me again eternally, and exited my vehicle. Its little acts if kindness like these, thats spread positivity back into our universe, to be replenished back into our life cycle. Its so IMPORTANT for EVERYONE to be kind! You guys, it spread further then you can fathom. Just LOVE, dont let conditioning full you.. Its okay to help people, you will always be blessed by the universe :) namaste to you all!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:38:37 +0000

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