So in the last 48 hours while hanging at the end of my rope I have - TopicsExpress


So in the last 48 hours while hanging at the end of my rope I have heard that because I put my mother in a place that has barely fit for human-or animal-consumption food that I am a bad person and if I cared about her I should take her out of that place. Twice. This from the president of Muscogee Manor, which by the way is a STATE run facility financed by TAX PAYERS and every last cent of MY MOTHERS MONEY. No, I didnt feel the least twinge when I was ORDERED by the STATE to place her there for her safety and my sanity. Lets not forget that her safety included getting hit in the eye with the hook on a hoyer lift and later being dropped to the floor when a broke hoyer left on the floor was used to lift her. And all the infections she has had in the past 9 months. Still fighting to get the nf bills up to date. As to the deplorable excuse for meals when I have the money or food in the house I take her something to eat--I am baking some fish that David brought from Florida now for her. Thought I was finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and lo and behold it was a train headed right toward me!!!! My mothers oldest son told me that I disowned him in March and bad mouthed him on this network. Well now I will, Robert, you cut the rope that I was barely hanging on so I am screaming this on my way down--he is the most selfish, hateful, spiteful, heartless person I know. It cuts like a blade every time I see you blithely going about without a care for your mother so you are no longer here. I was blind to not see it for myself over the years but now that I dont have anything he needs and I need help he can only find fault. Oh, did I mention that this came to a head when I decided it wasnt worth it to not reach out to my best friend who is his ex. Rant over. Nothing more will be said about the second part, however there may be more about Muscogee Manor. If I survive. Thank you all for allowing this selfish rant. I felt I had to say something and it appears that all I have left is you. Love you
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:30:15 +0000

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