So, in the midst of the horror and sadness. I would like to share - TopicsExpress


So, in the midst of the horror and sadness. I would like to share my interactions today with a Police Officer. I was Santa this afternoon at the Cupcake Shop. Standing on the sidewalk in front of the shop, waving and saying Merry Christmas to everyone who passed. A cruiser from Willimantic PD pulled in the parking lot. A couple seconds later a young hispanic Officer came around the corner and said hello. He asked about the shop, and I told him my wife and I owned it. He said it was great that I was doing this. I told him it was great fun, and the kids faces made it a blast. We talked about whats going on, and I told him I supported them. And would stand up for them any time. Cars beeped, I waved. We both smiled, laughed, and enjoyed the moment. He said, Well Im off, and just wanted to stop and say hello to Santa. Have a Merry Christmas! I said Merry Christmas to you as well, and Stay Safe! It was, a great afternoon! Thank you, and GOD Bless our Brothers and Sisters in Blue!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:41:01 +0000

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