So in thinking about what all my Great Grandma witnessed in the - TopicsExpress


So in thinking about what all my Great Grandma witnessed in the almost 100 years she was alive I found this. Not sure if the dates are all correct and I am way too tired to fact check but found it interesting. Also here is a video of inventions over the last 100 years. World War I-1914-1918 Russian Revolution-1917 Versailles Treaty signed-1919 American women win the right to vote-1920 Benito Mussolini comes to power in Italy-1922 Teapot Dome scandal-1923 Scopes Monkey Trial-1925 Britain has a general strike-1926 Charles Lindbergh makes first flight across Atlantic-1927 Stock market crashes-1929 Japan invades Manchuria-1931 Franklin Roosevelt elected president-1932 Adolf Hitler comes to power in Germany-1933 President Roosevelt launches the New Deal-1933 Social Security is enacted-1935 Italy invades Ethiopia-1935 President Roosevelt is unsuccessful in his efforts to pack the Supreme Court-1937 Japan invades China-1937 Germany annexes Austria-1938 Germany invades Poland; World War II begins-1939 Germany conquers Western Europe-1940 Battle of Britain-1940 Franklin Roosevelt becomes only American president to win a third term-1940 Germany invades Soviet Union-1941 Japan bombs Pearl Harbor; US enters World War II-1941 D-Day-1944 Germany surrenders to Allies-1945 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is defeated in a general election-1945 US drops atomic bombs on Japan-1945 Japan surrenders; World War II ends-1945 India gains independence from Britain-1947 Marshall Plan to help Western Europe recover from World War II is enacted-1948 Berlin Airlift-1948-1949 US President Harry Truman unexpectedly wins reelection-1948 Queen Elizabeth II assumes throne in Britain-1952 Korean War-1950-1953 Supreme Court hands down decision in Brown v. Board of Education, mandating integration of public schools in US-1954 Soviet Union launches Sputnik-1957 President Eisenhower sends federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce integration-1957 Bay of Pigs invasion-1961 Berlin Wall is erected-1961 Cuban Missile Crisis-1962 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed-1963 President Kennedy assassinated-1963 Civil Rights Act signed into law-1964 US ramps up involvement in Vietnam, leading to the Vietnam War-1964 Riots in Watts, Los Angeles-1965 Sterling devaluation crisis in Britain-1967 Six Day War in the Middle East-1967 Riots in Newark and Detroit-1967 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated-1968 Police attack demonstrators outside Democratic convention in Chicago-1968 Astronaut Neil Armstrong lands on the moon-1969 The Boeing 747 enters passenger service-1970 Kent State massacre-1970 Watergate scandal-1972-1974 Yom Kippur War-1973 Arab Oil Embargo against the West-1973 Strikes and an oil shortage lead to a three-day workweek in Britain-1973 Richard Nixon first US president to resign that office-1974 Britain has to go to IMF for emergency loans-1976 Camp David Accords agreed between US, Israel and Egypt-1978 Margaret Thatcher elected Britains first woman prime minister-1979 Iran Hostage Crisis-1979-1981 Ronald Reagan elected president-1980 Assassination attempt against President Reagan-1981 Air Traffic control workers fired by President Reagan after going on strike-1981 Riots in Brixton, Southall, Toxteth and other inner cities in Britain-1981 France unveils TGV-1981 Falklands War-1982 President Reagan unveils SDI, aka Star Wars-1983 USSR shoots down KAL 007-1983 Cruise and Pershing missiles deployed to Western Europe-1983 Brighton Bomb-1984 Miners Strike in Britain-1984-1985 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of Soviet Union-1985 Iran Contra scandal-1986-1987 Pan Am flight 103 explodes over Lockerbie, Scotland-1988 Berlin Wall comes down-1989 Democracy comes to Eastern Europe-1989 Germany is reunified-1990 Iraq invades Kuwait-1990 Margaret Thatcher forced to resign as Britains prime minister-1990 Gulf War-1991 Soviet Union is dissolved-1991 Republicans, led by Newt Gingrich, win control of Congress-1994 Oklahoma City bombing-1995 Princess Diana killed in a car crash-1997 Asian Economic crisis-1997 Monica Lewinsky scandal-1998-1999 Kosovo air campaign-1999 George W. Bush declared winner by Supreme Court after a bitterly disputed election-2000 9/11-2001 US invades Iraq-2003 Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans and Gulf Coast-2005 Al Quaeda bombings in London-2005 US financial crisis-2008 Barack Obama first African American elected US president-2008 Osama Bin Laden is murdered by US special forces-2011 Margaret Thatcher dies-2013 Boston Marathon Bombing - 2013 https://youtube/watch?v=c5MqVpBvbEs
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 03:40:21 +0000

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