So it happened because SAGE kept talking about aliens while were - TopicsExpress


So it happened because SAGE kept talking about aliens while were all laying in bed, I was trying to read them a book, but she kept on and on. Mostly to scare Story. She was crying and saying Sage!! STOP!! Im gonna have nightmares!! Finally Cash fell asleep, then the girls,then me. I was the one that had the dream about aliens THANK YOU!! Just like I ALWAYS dream...they hide in the clouds. It was a pretty dark cloudy day, but not the NORMAL kind of dark..sPoOkY dark...thats why I was outside looking up at the clouds. In my dream I lived in a run down part of the neighborhood, it wasnt here, it was in Florida. In a small cottage much like the one that I USED to live in, but trashier. Anyway, I was outside looking up and noticed that my neighbors were under their carport having a little party. Just sitting around in plastic lawn chairs listening to STIX and drinking beer. I hollered at them to look up. Thats when a group of three red lights flashed in the cloud and then a group of three blue lights did the same thing. Of course we all started to freak out a soon as we realized that it WAS a spaceship the cloud opened up and it started shooting a bright white ray of light down to the ground. It was blowing up cars to get everyones attention. Just like in the movies and I guess just like you would predict everyone started panicking and running for their cars! They were trying to get away as fast as they could. The roads were all jammed up, people were killing each was a mess! I turned on the news and it was like that all over the world. However, some of us chose to stay. By this time the aliens had actually landed and were killing all the folks that were trying to escape, shooting them with huge ray guns. A big Mr. T. looking dude knocked on my door and said Hey, open up, Im here to rescue you! Come with me and youll be safe! He had an orange and yellow Lego/Transformer looking robot thing standing next to him and they were driving The General Lee except it was souped up to go real fast! I told them NO WAY was I going and Mr. T. said Smart choice, Im one of the aliens and if you would have come with me my partner here would have killed you. We came to your planet to SAVE it by killing all the people that are trying to get away. Well let the ones that are brave and strong enough to stay live because THEY will be able to start your population over and make your world right again. This was the kind of dream that you have that scares you so much you wake up panting in a cold sweat, go back to sleep and KEEP ON DREAMING THE CRAP!! As soon as I fell back asleep really tall aliens with red hair and freckles...all men of course, took me outside and made me go from house to house with them looking for other people to save. We came across an old guy that had gone next door to the 7-11 and taken all the beer out of the cooler. He had it all stacked up against one wall in his kitchen. He offered us all a joint...which we accepted...apparently aliens like to partake. We moved on from town to town, killing some and saving some. I stopped at a payphone to call my Mom and to tell her to STAY PUT or she would die. As soon as she answered the phone the line went dead. The aliens and I became friends and our mission was to save the Earth...I even cracked some joke about being probed..they were like Huh??....I had this dream ALL night..until I woke up. fReAkY...Im telling you people, THIS is how its gonna happen, MARK MY WORDS!!!! And the moral of this story is: Go out and stock up on as much weed and booze as you can just for occasion...youre gonna need it!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 10:49:25 +0000

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