has been a while. We have had a fair share of ups and - TopicsExpress

   has been a while. We have had a fair share of ups and downs and although today started rough it ended well and I started reflecting on my blessings. Madison Lynn James came out last night and cooked dinner for us and I loved seeing her smile and hearing her laugh here in our home. Maci James called me tonight as she ate dinner and completely blew me out of the water with her words. She was talking about lonely and next thing I know she is speaking our past to present through her eyes and what a blessed family we are. She explained why that makes living alone so hard because our whole life with them has been about family. Butch and I were high school sweethearts and we began building our life and family shortly after high school. It blessed me so much, all the while giving me a kick in the pants. I havent posted in so long and I think I was self centered and not being thankful. Posting is therapy in a way, yet it holds me accountable to listen and see what God is doing. At my last appointment all of my blood work came back normal or better than normal. I have been able to delete two meds and cut back on the others. I have good days and bad days. Waiting for my taste for food to come back. We have been so blessed by so many be it gifts, food, prayers, hugs, a phone call, or just a kind smile. I have so much to be thankful for and we are leaving for dr appointments in Dallas tomorrow and expect only good reports. We are still having tests every two weeks for now. Last week we supposedly did not have insurance but know one could tell us why, lots of prayer and persistent phone calls rectified the situation and all pending claims were paid. My baby girls will be 20 tomorrow. It goes by so fast. If I could change a thing it would be to slow down time. I am so very proud of them and the beautiful young ladies they are. Mason James is a special guy too. He shared some of what God has done in our lives at Sunday school last week. Wish I could of been a fly on the wall. Butch has been taking wonderful care of me and I am so thankful. Breathe in. Breathe out. Reflect. Thats the routine for know. I know He is with me as we continue to walk this out. I am praying for reminders to focus on Him and not me or the day I am having. Blessed. In awe of what and who He uses to get me on track when I need it. Prayers for safe travels and good reports.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 02:49:11 +0000

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