So, it has been brought to my attention that some people were - TopicsExpress


So, it has been brought to my attention that some people were offended by my Facebook post yesterday, which is beyond me… So allow me to elaborate, so that any hurt feelings may be mended. Here is the problem with illegal immigration. We do not have the resources to support the world. We have 11.1 million illegal immigrants in this country. 57% are on some type of welfare, granted these 57% have a child who was born in the United States and that is how they are drawing a check. But still our tax dollars are supporting 6.27 million illegal immigrants and their families. For the 43% of illegal immigrant who are in this country busting their asses, trying to make it, KUDOS to you. Good for you! You are truly trying to better yourself. We have a serious welfare problem in this country; there are 47 million American citizens on welfare. 47 million!!!!! Clearly we have some citizens who are abusing the system too. When you add the 6.27 million illegals to that number, we are now at more than 50% of the American society living on welfare. The biggest problem is our resources are being drained at such an astronomical rate, that our government is now cutting into our social security fund to pay for these things. We are losing our ability to secure our future and I am shocked that many of you are not more appalled at this notion. If you want to live in America, and be illegal than you have to hold yourself to a hirer non law breaking standard. You have already broken one law; you are here in our country illegally. Now you are driving a car with no license, also illegal, oh you don’t have insurance, well there’s another law broken. And you are under the influence of an illegal schedule c narcotic, well holy shit; we have another law being broken. There is no question in my mind this man should have been deported. Clearly, he is not actively contributing to society. Lastly, if you want to live in the United States, it should be your personal and very obtainable goal to speak our language. If I moved to Italy, France, Greece, Russia, or Ethiopia, I would be EXPECTED to know their language the minute I touched their soil, it is not too much to ask that the immigrant who come here be expected to do the same.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:12:16 +0000

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