So it has come to light by a Liberal Media News source no less. - TopicsExpress


So it has come to light by a Liberal Media News source no less. That Obama the man himself, was aware that between 40% to 67% or as much as 19 million American citizens will lose their privately paid health insurance. Yet even knowing that, he chose to lie to the American public. Telling us citizens, that if you like your health insurance. You will be able to keep your health insurance. He also seemed to mention a similar lie about your doctors. At no time did he say that some may lose their privately paid health insurance. So now his arrogance, right along with his mouth pieces are trying to spin it as if he said it in a different context. Well just because a pile of shit has been sprayed to seem like a rose. Does not mean that it is a rose, no both Obama and Obamacare still is a big steaming pile of shit. Obamas mouth pieces are also blaming the insurance companys, saying they are at fault. They are claiming that the healthcare policys that people are losing because of Obamacare mandates. Are inferior, that do not provide the coverage that Obamacare will. So now it seems that Obama and his pack of rabid flying monkeys, believe that they know better then you and the American citizens of this country. So because they know better then you, you will need healthcare policys. With mandated add ons that will jack up the prices of healthcare policys that are being offered. Oh by the way, when Obama happened to mention about how great Obamacare is going to be. He failed to mention that you were going to have fewer choices of healthcare policys at increased prices. Thats right, you will have a big whooping 4 healthcare policys to chose from. So much for finding something that will fit your particular familys needs. The truth is, that in order to help fund Obamacare and make it work. They need millions of people to sign up for Obamacare policys. Knowing that if as many as 19 million people were able to actually keep their healthcare policys. It would be next to impossible to get the numbers they needed to pay for Obamacare. So he lied, so that when these millions of citizens would lose their healthcare, they would be forced to buy Obamacare policys. That people is called a bait and switch, it is also a crime. If Obama is willing to lie and be part of such an egregious act. What makes you think that you could ever trust him or Obamacare. If Obamacare is such a great law. Why did Obama have to lie to the people of this country and force people to buy it with lies...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:33:22 +0000

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