So it officially official, we are officially here. Each time - TopicsExpress


So it officially official, we are officially here. Each time between Jaspers different sessions to be admitted for this particular round, it seems to throw us in the ball without the words of Will. Nothing in this world can change the way time works and how our bodies are meant to recover mind and soul except prayers, hope and sometimes medicine...even that is questionable most times. We got here yesterday and Jasper is doing good health wise despite temper tantrums that are mind bending for mama. I keep saying I am tough. and then smile and attempt to hold him tight and diffuse, letting the screaming that I know he cannot control because of his slightly sedated medications and his chemo wind down into his (finally) nap. He has been so tired since yesterday... He had a lumbar puncture in the late afternoon with morphine, versed and ativan... he was looking like a little boy drunken hiccuping sailor by the time we reached his room around 6pm last night. When he finally laid his head down after daddy and gaga left for the night, he was out like a light. I hate to say this, but even with the heavy sleeping, I do not think he was well rested by the time he woke up this morning. Today has not been much better... the ativan has had a adverse effect when he woke up and he has been like a volcano ready to burst, little boy has been so emotional and its been hard, yeah. Today he threw a fit so hard that he grabbed his tubing apart and once again (this time definitely knowing how it happened), blood and chemo spilled all over his blanket and pillows. I cant wait for this round and the next to be O.V.E.R. We have had the best nurses and a lady from the chaplain stopped by for a talk to introduce herself. I ask for prayers that our little man can relax enough to laugh and smile while he is here and that we can get this chemo stay over with without anymore pain of any sort. Thank you and I will keep everyone updated
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:47:10 +0000

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