So it seems everyones new Facebook drama is bashing Kendal jones - TopicsExpress


So it seems everyones new Facebook drama is bashing Kendal jones for her pictures of her once in a lifetime hunt in Africa. Calling her heartless spoiled brat and a bunch of other horrible names and threatening this girl for showing off something she worked hard for loves to do and is proud of is a bit ridiculous. Just because she hunted the lion leopard and elephant doesnt make her some heartless killer. It no different then hunting all the animals we hunt here in the US. Anyone who knows me knows I am a big time animal lover and would never hurt an animal but love to hunt to and would jump at the opportunity to work with vets over in Africa and hunt these awesome animals and as far as the killing an endangered rhino it was never dead it was tranquilized to treat a leg wound..caused by the over populated male lions. You really shouldnt bash her unless you know what her goals are. I dont think killing a elephant and feeding over one hundred staving families in Africa is a selfish thing to do at all. Actually it is quite opposite. She gets no profits off this all money goes towards the farmers whos Animals are getting killed by the leopards and lions or the towns people who need the money an also the food she is getting them. So unless you know the full story I wouldnt start bashing her you will look quite dumb.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:21:30 +0000

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