So its 11 pm on the night before my 40th birthday. People keep - TopicsExpress


So its 11 pm on the night before my 40th birthday. People keep asking me how I am handling turning 40 - whether I am freaking out or feeling sad. I have spent the last 3 weeks cracking jokes about the upcoming birthday but in all reality, I have really been thinking about all that I learned in my 30s. I decided to share some of those lessons with my friends… I have spent the last 10 years sweating the small stuff - getting angry over people cutting me off in the carpool line, getting angry over not being included in a birthday celebration, getting angry at my parents, sisters, friends, husband over stupid things. Life is too short to be so pissed off! I have spent the last 10 years swelled with pride over the fact that Jared and Eden spoke at 10 months, Devin could chew gum at 18 months, the 3 older ones walked at a year. I now have a child whom Im told will never do any of these things. Sometimes, lifes greatest accomplishments are the ones that you are on the verge of giving up hope on. I started off my 30s with one 6 month old baby boy. I didnt know my ass from my elbow. I would call Jeff at 4:30 every day to beg him to come home from work - I couldnt handle this one little (though often crying) little baby. I now have 4 beautiful, talented, compassionate, caring and determined little babies to call my own. I am more in control with 4 than I ever was with one. The last important lesson is that I cant be last on my own list. I wont do anyone any good if I dont take care of myself. At 40, I am stronger than I was at 30(and by stronger I also mean thinner!!), healthier than I was at 30, calmer than I was at 30, a better friend than I was at 30, a better mother, wife, sister and daughter than I was at 30. I am simply a better version of myself. So for all of you who joke and say 40 is the new 20, I dont want to be 20 again - Ive already been that girl. I have earned every wrinkle, every smile, every tear, every muscle, every hug, every MOMMY!!!. I am 40 and fabulous and I will take that over the alternative any day!!! xoxo
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 03:22:42 +0000

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