So its been a hectic year. It seems to have dragged on forever. - TopicsExpress


So its been a hectic year. It seems to have dragged on forever. Im ok with that. I hope the next one is smoother. So I have to apologize to all the friends that I havent been the best at keeping in touch with. Ive had a lot going on. Especially after my dad died. Im still not over it. I know you all dont understand. Im usually the rock. The one who never wavers. The one who just generally sucks it up and moves on. There is just no sucking it up and moving on from this. I apologize that I havent been a great friend. I apologize that I havent been there for you all. Im sorry Ive missed get togethers, dinners and birthday parties. I know most of you just think that Im a jerk or an asshole for not being there. Im not and I do care about you. I care about you like youre family. Thats who I am. I apologize that my behavior has been abnormal. To those of you that have been by my side like glue even when I tried to push away, I thank you. I thank you for not letting me crawl into a hole and hide down deep. I thank you for your love, your support, your friendship and your kindness. My sister has been the rock through this pulling us all along. I love her more than she could imagine. Shes an amazing sister. My mom has been my other rock. Shes been right there every step of the way. Her love and amazing heart can move mountains. Words cannot do justice when it comes to explaining how much she means to me. Chris Irwin, dude, you have been like a brother to me. I seriously give you mega credit for being the best friend anyone could possibly ever ask for. I love you like family man, from the bottom of my heart. Amy Warner, youve been right there beside me through every step as well. You are an amazing day of sunshine on the cloudiest of days. Love you like family too girl. And number one is my Barry. My life is incomplete without him. He stands with me no matter the obstacle. How he puts up with my crap is beyond me but I thank him from the deepest depths of my heart. He is my world and my angel. I think Im done now. I hope I didnt miss any apologies. Oh, by the way, thanks to all those who have ridiculed me for being a bad friend even though I didnt mean to be. Maybe you should have just simply asked whats the matter buddy, are you ok a time or two more. Sometimes when people say they are fine, they really mean help me, Im drowning right now and I cant swim any longer. But its not your fault. After all, Im suppose to be the rock.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:06:39 +0000

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