So its my turn, i got number 8, 8 things most of you probably - TopicsExpress


So its my turn, i got number 8, 8 things most of you probably dont know about me 1, I have 2 weird OCDs, when ever the jug gets to the empty line i have to tip out the rest of the water before filling it back to the top i never refill over existing water, When i go for walks and see rubbish lying around i have to pick it up and hold it till i find a rubbish bin or take it home and put it in my own rubbish bin, sometimes i can control this erge and leave it but i will think about what could happen if i leave it - Yes this is anoying! 2, I used to ride horse when i was younger, i had all the trust in the world in any horses it was like this bond i had with them till i was 17 i was on a horse that had only been riden a few times, it bolted up a hill with me on it, got to the top and bucked untill i and one of the styrips came off, i only remeber the hill part and woke up on the ground at the top of the hill apparently i looked like a rag doll on the horse, i walked away with only a sore body no broken bones was very lucky - for those who dont know the styrips are where your feet go and they are bucked to the saddle, i am still confused as to this day how it came unbucked off the saddle 3, I have maori in me but i dont associate with it at all, infact i also have a small amount of Native American Indian in me too and i feel connected more with that then anything else, dont be offended it is what it is. 4, I used to be a real tomboy growing up, i never thought about when i ge married i thought it was dumb lol, i had one barbie doll but would rather play cars in the sandpit with my little brother - we would argue over who had the cool cars Good Times 5, i have 1 Sister and 3 Brothers, i am the oldest. 6, I met the love of my life on Vodafone Live Chat in 15th nov 2006 we txted and talked on the ph every day, we met in 8th Dec 2006 when he flew down to stay for 4 awesome days we hit it off straight away it was like we had known each other for years, the day he left to fly back home, i remembered seeing the bus leave and my heart sank and from that moment i knew i was in love and saying in my head i loved this guy - Sam lived in Auckland and i lived in Waimate, we did long distant relationship for 1 and a half years, it was one of the hardest times in my life but was worth it. 7, when i was 3 or 4 i thought it was a good idea to play with a car door lock and then open the door while the car was moving, i was flung out on to the middle of the road, i only remeber playing with the door lock but had a dream about the whole thing few days later and have had my mother tell me the story a few times which i think triggers the full memory of it, but i never remeber feeling any pain, all i got was a cut on my fore head and a butterfly stitch - took the scaring ya mum to a whole nother level lol Seemed like a good idea at the time..... 8, when i was 11 i used to have pet guinea pigs, they were awesome!, the first one i ever had i brought from a pet shop i wanted a girl and they gave me a boy i got half way down the road and realised took it back and got a reeeally fat girl guinea pig only to realise she was PREGNANT! lol - lucky my mum had made me an awesome big cage for her and it didnt matter so much there were 4 extra piggies they all got new homes when they were big enough :) So yea boring-ish i know this was hard for me to remeber certain things haha sorry about the short novel lol
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 10:13:06 +0000

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