So its one of those days, ya been out all day doing what it is you - TopicsExpress


So its one of those days, ya been out all day doing what it is you might have been doing. You had to stop at the store on yer way home. All through the store its grumble grumble, churn, uggghhhhh, and squuuuueezzzzze. And ya just figure, Ill wait till I get home. So ya squuueeezzzze through the ride home. Come on now, I know you All know what Im sayin here. Finally you are in the house, and the is this Orchestra of sounds coming from depths even ypu were unaware of, and its to point where ya just know that if you dont get where you need to be, you Will End Up being a Human Smoothie Making Machine. Now think about this for aoment, you know you have been in this exact position at some anguishing point in your life. So, with your legs twisted like a school girls braids and your head and face are as red as a tomatoe, and you have already stopped breathing, you make it not only to the bathroom, but you even got your shorts down in time. And yes, lets be honest, as you sit, You Are Expecting The Worse. So, Here It Is. That Moment You Have Waited For. The Very Reason You Been Praying to the Dear Lord Above. And with the release of your muscles, the release of the 20 minute old breath that you were holding, you just feel this AHHHHHHHH! And this Poof and Phif and You sit there and are like, REALLY???? And in complete amazement you look up and are like WTF, Thats it???? Reallly, REALLY???? Well you know how it is. So disappointing, all that Ass Drama. All That Pressure to Perform what should have been the release of the Century. And it was nothing but WIND. Ugh. Well, thats all I have to say. Thanks For listening.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:25:10 +0000

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