So, it’s day one of FULLY EXPOSED. Here we go. Each morning, - TopicsExpress


So, it’s day one of FULLY EXPOSED. Here we go. Each morning, Kristi Belcamino and I will be posting what happened yesterday. Here’s what I did on my last “off” day: MONDAY– Opening Day of the baseball season and my personal National Holiday of choice. I walked 1.4 miles which won’t count toward my total for this, but still count as getting it done. Between ball games, I also knocked out a 600 word proposal for a book I’m hoping to collaborate on with another author. I collaborate a lot, mostly with Max Allan Collins, but occasionally, especially as book doctor with others. This proposal is for a full-on novel with an author I both like and admire. Hoping the other writer likes it. One question I get a lot is why do I collaborate so much in what is, in essence, a very solitary activity? For me, it’s like music, a chance to jam with others, so to speak. We both bring something to the table, but in the end, there’s always the hope that the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts. Plus, I always ALWAYS learn more about the craft. That alone makes the trip worthwhile. Aside from that, I spoke to two first-time novelists that I’m mentoring about their projects and the writing life in general. Time flies when you’re doing that and two hours flew by, but in the end, time well-spent. I’ve been at this seriously for twenty-seven years and I was mentored by some amazing people. Now, it’s about me trying to pass on what I’ve learned, and at the same time, learn even more. The day you stop learning is the day you start to die. Today, looking for two thousand words, mostly in synopses that I’ll explain more about tomorrow, and a mile and a half walk when the wind becomes a little less “Auntie Em, Auntie Em!” Write tight, people, that’s the key. You can catch up on this stuff at: matthewclemens kristibelcamino https://facebook/kristibelcaminowriter
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:31:49 +0000

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