So it’s not just that 99.9999% of Christians are oblivious of - TopicsExpress


So it’s not just that 99.9999% of Christians are oblivious of Yahowah’s seven Miqra’, not having a clue what they stand for or predict, much less that they are called to observe them, they have actually replaced God’s meeting schedule with Satan’s. Worse, they justify all of it in the name of religion—an evil they actually believe is good. Consider the popularity of spiritualism today, of magic, of astrology, and fortunetelling, even of Babylonian occult rights as they are manifest in Christendom. But Yahowah says: “There shall not be found (matsa’ – met or encountered, detected or discovered) among you one causing his son or daughter to pass over (‘abar – cross, cease to exist in, be alienated by, perishing in, become intoxicated by, banished and sacrificed to) fire, or practicing divination (qacam – engaging in false prophecy, witchcraft, kabala, or in the occult) or magic, predicting the future, spiritualism, and astrology (‘anan – a person who acts covertly, covering over, and clouding, one who obscures, engaging in myths and mysticism), or fortunetelling (nachash – one who deceives with false prognostications, an enchanter), or the practice of sorcery and witchcraft (kashaph – one who practices magic, one who casts spells, anyone who relies upon demonic spirits to gain insights and power, clairvoyance, Wicca and Wiccans), or a uniter and joiner, one who binds together (chabar – one who charms others into joining, leaguing together and forming a religion; one who fascinates with eloquence—spellbinding them), or one who consults with dead spirits (sha’al ‘owb – one who evokes the deceased; the act of calling upon dead spirits for approval and for support; praying to saints, a medium, psychic, parapsychologist, or spiritualist), or a conman who beguiles by summoning spirits (yidda’ony – a schemer who influences based upon his personal knowledge of and relationship with demons), or people who cause the premature death of others in association with the destructive worship of heathen deities (darash muth – a fixation on Mother Earth, pagan myths, and stories based upon magic, wizards, and pagan cultures, one who oppresses and assassinates, seeking and requiring death based upon a fixation on killing, pain, dead bodies, hellish tortures, and wonton destruction). All who do (‘asah – act this way, perform, celebrate, ordain, institute, profit by, or observe) these things are an abomination, hated and detested (tow’ebah – repulsive, loathed to the point of absolute intolerance, seen as idolatrous, abhorrent and disgusting) by Yahowah (efei).” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 18:10-12) ‘Anan lies at the heart of all deadly deceptions. It is Satan’s stock and trade. It is the mother’s milk of politics, the essence of religion. ‘Anan means “to cloud the atmosphere sufficiently to block light and diminish visibility.” In politics, perceptions become reality as professional liars spin the facts, cloud the issue, and obscure their real agenda.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 05:41:54 +0000

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