So just how did the gay night at the Frankston Football Club fare - TopicsExpress


So just how did the gay night at the Frankston Football Club fare last night? We minced ourselves around the corner to the venue having just scoffed a good pizza and wine feed before hand. It was only 8:15pm but considering there was a midnight curfew on the place, we thought wed make the most of it. We walk in and find about 20 people there. Little did we know that there would only be a handful more through the door for the evening. The place promised very cheap drinks. ...and it delivered! UDLs were $5.50 a can but it was the $10 bottles of Sauvignon Blanc wed be quaffing all night! $10!!?? Naturally, the Port vs Freo game was on the screen which Tammy and myself had to watch the final minutes of at the bar. The music? Deafening bee bee bee bop bop bop from a very stressed out dj with a face like he just walked out of friday nights Geelong game. A speaker would blow every now and then muffling the music. On a couple of occasions, surrendering to awkward silence. Drunk Travis: whats that sound? Oh, a pin dropping. Some songs were repeated a couple of times, but what can you do when the only cd youve seemed to have brought along for the night was the best of 2005? A very thin woman came up to the stage to sing. So thin, I felt like regurgitating my pizza so she could eat something. Apparently she had completed a tour of the UK or somewhere in Europe. Drunk Ash: Which one is the microphone stand? She sang some great songs - even mimed a few. A surprise for myself on the night was running into a couple of scene stalwarts I havent seen since lord knows when! Namely, Cheyne and also Laurie who used to run the old Greyhound. How do these two still look the same after all this time? An old guy resembling the late Hollywood actor Mickey Rooney (but twice the age) approached our table to make a move on any or all of us. That was my cue to watch the footy at the bar. Never the less, we had a great night amongst ourselves - much thanks to the cheap booze! The host was swanning around the room all evening introducing himself to the 30 of us. The poor love. It was a hard gig for him to do and hed put some effort into organising something for the Frankston gays who didnt have to venture into the city. The next Tottenham Manor party is in three weeks. We pull in twice as many people, cater music over every decade for everyone and BYO booze. I felt like inviting the host along to it just to show him how we do it Westside. ;)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:18:55 +0000

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