So just to catch folks up if they arent already, the reason why - TopicsExpress


So just to catch folks up if they arent already, the reason why the postings have dropped for the Cove is, I have returned to work. I am working 5+ days a week 5.5 hours a day. It was a choice I made so that I could keep Seeley, and not have to worry about how to find the funds for all the things 5 special need dogs require. I know that some of you totally get what I am doing, and then there are a few that think I am being cruel to the dogs and that I should rehome them if I cant support them. Umm well gee wiz, why didnt I think of that???? I mean that is why I got the job. I dont want to rehome any of them, well maybe jefferey t-hee, but no even he must stay. This is my responsibility and I take it on with no resentments. These guys, both living and dead, have made my life worth living, and I will not except anything less than everything they need. It is my job to provide it, so I took this job with a happy heart. How can I be happy with a job at McDonald;s when I have all those degrees? Because... sometimes that is really just the answer. I just like it. It requires little deep thought, no ones life is in my hands, well yeah if I dont wash the dishes well, for sure hehehehe, but the stress level is nothing. It isnt stressful for me to have other people stressed around me. I know why they are stressed. THey are trying to do their jobs quickly and accurately, and they are the ones stressed. Me, I just run for the stuff they need, so yeah I make myself valuable by hoofing it and making it job 1 to serve them, and that is why I get scheduled a lot more than I want to be. They like to work with me. I am a primo gopher. I ran for my pop when ever he was doing something, so I learned young that you go as fast as you can for what they want/need. I dont waddle slowly like some do, and that is why I am a valuable crew member. I do not want the big money for the supervising jobs. nope not me... I like leaving at the scheduled time and leaving it at the door. So there you have it, if you have been wondering what was up and missed the part of me getting a job at the local micky ds to support the pack then you are now caught up. I want my kids to have more in their lives than just food and water. Going to the vets had become a major stressor as I never had a clue if I would be able to pay for it or not. Now when the annual spring wellness exams roll around the 1500 bucks wont make my knees shake quite so badly. Does this mean I still dont want or need your help and donations? Nope, just means that I wont have to decide between food for them or me, and that is a nice thing for all of us. They like to eat everyday for some strange reason.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 14:25:32 +0000

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