So lame duck minority President Donald Ramotar made his *big* - TopicsExpress


So lame duck minority President Donald Ramotar made his *big* address tonight. He essentially said 3 things. 1. Guyana Parliament will resume on Monday. 2. He promises Local Government Elections (which have been delayed by 20 years!) by June next year. 3. If the majority opposition seeks to push through the No Confidence Motion he will prorogued Parliament and set a date for national elections. Now for the analysis: 1. The President had no choice but to set a date for the resumption of Parliament. For the PPP to continue to avoid Parliament would have been untenable and they would have faced intense international pressure. They would have been quietly given that message big the diplomatic powers and they had to yield. 2. The promise of LGE by June next year is a classic PPP stalling tactic straight from the Freedom House playbook. It is worthless. The PPP has proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted and no promise from them is worth anything. 3. President Donald Ramotar saying that if the opposition seeks to push through the NCM he will dissolve parliament and call elections is the surest sign yet that the PPP has run out of options and know that the noose is tightening around their necks. This is the beginning of game over. The Opposition must push the NCM and force the Presidents hand. (Be warned though that once he prorogues Parliament the President will use every ounce of time constitutionally available before elections are called, he and the PPP will hang in there for as long as they can. And we also know that the PPP is not above using methods not approved by the constitution of the land to extend their time in government even further).
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 00:36:18 +0000

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