So last month I was prospecting and called a expired in - TopicsExpress


So last month I was prospecting and called a expired in Arlington..The seller told me Well I took it off the market for the Holidays and I resigned with my agent starting January 1st. Being that it was in a great location I asked her Now if I could sell it before January 1st would you hire me? She said Maybe..So I set the appointment for later that day. Get to her location..she sizes me up and I size up her place and I ask her to show me her signed listing Agreement..The start date was for Jan. 1st with a price of $315,000..I ask her What is your drop dead price? She says $305k..I close her by saying Okay hire me today at $305K and I can guarantee that I can sell it before January 1st..She says You have 30 days to sell it because I already re-signed with my previous agent starting on January 1st. I start marketing the property and get a full price offer the day before Thanksgiving and are set to close today at 5pm..Seller calls me last night saying I just do not understand..My previous agent had it on the market for 6 months and spent money on staging, doing numerous Open Houses and you did not none of that and sold it in two weeks. I said Yes Maam that is correct...She says He is going to be really upset when he sees that you sold it so fast. I came back with Tell him dont hate the Player but Change the Game!.. After she was laughing so hard she said You know I was telling my husband that you talk a big game but the difference is you back it up!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:48:24 +0000

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