So last night I got to meet one of my third shift counterparts for - TopicsExpress


So last night I got to meet one of my third shift counterparts for my segment of the 767 program, finally! I ended up sharing with him that I used to work nights, right up until a couple months ago. Soon after meeting, he said something about things getting blamed on him, and that being a regular occurrence. Well that little comment from him was all it took before my righteous anger (yes, righteous!!) over the plight of the nightworkers suddenly resurfaced after weeks of being dormant. What followed was a dramatically animated tirade that included pacing and lots of arm gesturing on my part. When I was finished, I was too busy breathing angrily, standing with my hands on my hips and glaring at nobody in particular to immediately notice that he had been sitting in complete silence during and right after my little performance. I glanced over, worried I had just traumatized the guy the same night I met him. The expression on his face however, was priceless – it was like a kid on Christmas morning upon seeing all the presents under the tree, but with an element of confusion and surprise because it was actually July, so there had been no expectation of Christmas or gifts before it just showed up in the living room. On top of my abrupt appearance into his world, I don’t think he’s used to talking to a lot of people who get where he’s coming from as genuinely as I do, and my rant seemed to have demonstrated that fact quite effectively. He enthusiastically began sharing his own experiences from 3rd shift over the last two years, and I would offer my own similar story – and although mine were much longer by comparison, he didn’t seem to mind my rambling at all. In fact, it was only about half an hour into me preaching ‘The Gospel of the Graveyard Shift’ before he was telling me I should ask our manager to switch me to third, lol ;-)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:46:40 +0000

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