So, last night I looked in the freezer and much to my surprise I - TopicsExpress


So, last night I looked in the freezer and much to my surprise I was staring directly at a Pecan Pie (I am 100% positive it wasnt there two days ago when I looked in there). So I ambled off to find Renae Gutches and ask her when she bought this wonderful Pecan Pie. Fully expecting she would say something along the lines of Oh, I got that at the store the other day because I know how much you really like Pecan Pie and thought it would be a nice treat for you. OK, mind you, that is how I had played it out in my head before I asked, Hun, when do you get this Pecan Pie? However.... Immediately upon asking this innocent question I soon realized the above scenario was not how it was going to go. After she paused for about one tenth of a nanosecond, not even taking time to think about her response (Now mind you, at this time I am still expecting she would think of something nice to say when she told me the pie was for me as a special treat.) she very clearly reminded me that THAT pie had been in there since last Thanksgiving. (Oh Uh, this isnt what I had expected to hear). Dare I ask? Before I could fully run those three small words through my head I was very clearly reminded how this particular Pecan Pie got in our freezer. (If she is on your friend list, you may take a moment to refer to a posting she made last Thanksgiving as it will surely clear some of this up. And being a male it is all I can do to remember what occurred yesterday let alone an entire year ago). This is what she reminded me of.... THAT Pecan Pie was the one I had originally bought for Thanksgiving last year because you said you really like Pecan Pie, but if you recall (apparently I didnt), at the LAST minute you MADE (I didnt really make her) me drive to every DAMN (I added the damn for dramatic effect) COSTCO in Phoenix on Thanksgiving Eve at 5 PM to find you a DAMN (again I added the damn for dramatic effect) Pecan Pie because you said you really like their Pecan pies and dont care for frozen pies. Uh Oh... that did not go at all as I had envisioned it. As I slowly backed away and tried to ease my way back into the house, still dazed by how I had expected the response to go compared to how it really went, many things began going through my head. I know some of you are thinking that I was wondering if there was other things similar to this event that perhaps I should reflect upon and be extremely thankful for all she does for me and how lucky I am to have her. OK, that did go though my head, but being a male, as I walked toward the kitchen I seemingly forgot all about the events that had just transpired a mere 15 seconds ago and now was totally consumed in wondering if I could eat the Pecan Pie frozen or if I needed to thaw it out and how damn long was that going to take? After staring at it for what seemed to be an eternity, probably a minute or two, I turned the oven on to some random temperature. I am sure it said on the box how to cook it but who has time for that. Put the pie in the oven, no, I didnt wait for it to preheat, and quickly came to the conclusion that I had no idea how long a pie would take to heat up in an oven at some random temperature. After pondering this for an entire second I came to the conclusion that a pie should take about as long to heat up as it would take to drink a beer (I am sure I recall learning that in one of my classes at ASU, may have been in third year calculus or maybe differential equations). So, after placing the pie in the oven I opened a beer and went to sit down on the couch. All the time, hoping I would remember the pie before it caught the oven on fire after I finished my beer. But then again, I assumed that even if I forgot about it someone would surely eventually ask me what was cooking, or burning. So, I was free to enjoy my beer while the Pecan Pie heated up. And sat there reveling in the fact that I was finally putting my college degree to work. Miraculously, I remembered the pie at about the same time I realized I needed another beer, actually I think I realized my beer was empty and got up to get another when I said to myself, MMM, that smells good, I wonder what is coo.....Oh Yeah, I need to get the Pecan Pie out (On a side note, I seemed to have also dispelled the notion that beer makes you forget things as it obviously reminded me of the Pecan Pie). So, as I sat there enjoying my warm Pecan Pie and a cold beer (sounded like a good combination to me) I began to think. Now, hold on a second, I know most of the time, those who know me will agree, that when I start a sentence with, You know, Ive been thinking.... the usual look I get is the same look you make when the check engine light comes on. You know, that look of this cant be good but all I can do is hope the check engine light goes off before something blows up. Same thing when I say You know, Ive been thinking... I get that same look and I know they are only hoping I get distracted and stop thinking. And that is when I came up with this... Moral of the story.... If you just happen to find a special Pecan Pie in your freezer dont wonder how it got there. Just be thankful it is there and enjoy. And if you happen to find someone as special as Renae in your life dont wonder how she got there. Just be thankful she is there and enjoy. Thanks for the Pecan Pie Hun!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 21:46:40 +0000

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