So last night I was feeding the dog. Everything seemed normal. - TopicsExpress


So last night I was feeding the dog. Everything seemed normal. But then he started looking anxious, and he stood by the door and I knew that meant he wanted to go outside. But when we got outside, instead of using the bathroom in his normal spot, he tried to run across the busy road. I quickly shouted and got him to stop. I was very angry because he knows not to do this. I told him to go the bathroom here. But again he tried to run off and I grabbed him and put a leash on him and decided to walk him to the end of our street, near a wooded lot where he could handle his business. He was acting very strange. He started dry heaving but wouldnt throw up. A lot of drool was coming from his mouth. Then, he lie down in the grass and wouldnt move. I knew then, that something was wrong. So I checked him and found his belly was abnormally tight and I thought, bloat. Bloat is a serious condition for large dogs where their stomach flips, builds up pressure and can ultimately cause death. A Bloat condition is time sensitive. I immediately called the vet. Spyder was in horrible pain and it was getting worse. I drove to the vet with emergency flashers on. We got him in and up on a table. (Side Note: Think about this before you get a large breed. If theyre incapacitated, how will you move them?) We X-rayed Spyder and it was indeed bloat. They got right into the surgery. They administered buprenorphine once, then again. And then a shot of propofal and he was out and not in pain. They clamped his tongue like they were stretching leather to make a shoe and pulled it outwards and shoved hoses down his throat. Then they took his forelegs and crossed them in an X, and with a blue rope they secured each of his forelegs to the table. Then they bound his hind legs downward and we brought up the sides of the table to 45 degree angles leaving Spyder belly-side-up. The vets and their assistants started the surgery and I was excused. Hours later at 2 am they called when they were done putting him back together. I was going to have to bring him to MSU in Starkville (2 hours away). I needed a driver so I could tend the dog and luckily I found a friend that was willing to do it and for that, Im very grateful. In Starkville we rolled him into the ER on a gurney and they took him where they will be monitoring him for several days. I got home at about 7:30 am this morning. Yesterday was a 24 hour long day. I have received several calls saying things are looking better but I dont want to believe anything until I have him back home.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:24:54 +0000

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