So....... last night, believe it or not, I ended up at a local bar - TopicsExpress


So....... last night, believe it or not, I ended up at a local bar and for some utterly bizarre and unknown reason who walks in? Because I promise you, youll never be able to guess. Rick. Astley. The actual Rick Astley, only with longer hair, and looking a bit greyer. After I finished staring, gawping and saying bloody hell, its Rick Astley (about forty times), I got talking to him, and we were gassing away about music, TV, books, and then finally got on to the subject of films. Now, at this point Im thinking that me and Rick are going to be great mates, and Im already planning how to get the obligatory selfie with him to prove this is all happening, when suddenly, mid-conversation, his face goes bright red, he throws his drink in my general direction and storms out. I have literally no idea whats going on, or what Ive said, but hes out the door before I can say anything. I go to the bathroom, clean bits of lemon out of my hair and spend the next five minutes trying to work out what Ive said or done thats upset him. The barman comes over and I explain it to him, and hes also looking a bit blank. What was the last thing you said to him he says, and I reply Well, I asked him what he though of animated films, and what was his favourite Pixar movie, and he got all shirty, and then I said well, just tell me your top 5 for gawdsake and he still doesnt answer, so I say well you must have a favourite .......and that was it, off he went. AHA says the barman, gleefully thats it then. I mean, he was never going to give you Up. Com aixo, Reyes Torío
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:21:41 +0000

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