So last night was Dia de los Muertos, a day to honor those that - TopicsExpress


So last night was Dia de los Muertos, a day to honor those that have passed. I know a lot of us have lost someone that we love or a family member, or even a pet. For me, back in 2001 I lost one of my best friends from Juarez, Dj Comix. I rarely speak of him because its hard for me, but I honor his memory in so many ways quietly. This is when I was djing in Juarez and I was his idol, I met him at Vertigos and he was the shyest guy in the world with a heart of gold. I took him under my wing and gave him his shot spinning at the club with me and even got him on one of my radio shows back then (KXCR 89.5 Sunday Night Meltdown which was an all house show)...his life was cut too short and he was so loved. I love his family and friends, I will never forget walking in to his rosary and his mom losing it when she saw me, she took my hand gave me a hug and told me in spanish el no mas queria ser como tu... all he wanted was to be like you... wow...what an impact those words have had on my life. From that day on, I mad a promise to myself to be the best I could possibly be in whatever I put my mind too. I miss him so much and the night night he was killed will haunt me forever, I stopped djing in Juarez shortly after this because it became to hard for me. I know he is in a better place and looks over me because I have dreamed him and we have had long talks, maybe that why I wake up so happy everyday. :) Just want you all today to love everyone in your life a little more and give them a hug, tomorrow is never promised and in the blink of an eye life can change. Its not hard to be a good person, you just have to do it with your heart, what matters is everyone in your life right now, so be a good friend,parent, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, mentor, etc My respects to all of you that have lost someone close to you and not a day goes by that you dont think of them. #neverforget
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 17:49:42 +0000

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