So last time we talked about the meeting place, this time we are - TopicsExpress


So last time we talked about the meeting place, this time we are going in to smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. We are coming up on the time of the year when it is recommended that you change the battery in your smoke detector (when we change back to standard daylight time) but hear is something else you may want to check, how old is your detector? It is recommended that you change them every ten years also you want to make sure that you have enough for your home (at least one on each level). Make sure that the family knows what to do when the alarm goes off. Please practice the same way you would do as if it was the real thing. When the alarm sounds leave the home then call the fire department. Make sure that all that are in the house are safely away from the home. If you practice this as if it were real you will learn to do this without thinking about it. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Please make sure that you have them close to the exits of your home so you know where they are (when you visit friends or family take a look and see if you know where theirs is) check it once a month to make sure the needle on the gauge is in the green. May I suggest checking it on the first of the month. Please understand that a fire extinguisher is not made to fight a large fire (two foot by two foot by two foot area is about as big as what I would recommend) please understand that even if you were to put a fire out that you should still call the fire department. There are very dangerous gases produced in fire and if you are not prepared to deal with these gases you may become a casualty, so please leave the building immediately. I am going to put a little extra in here this week. Over the years structure fires have become a lot more dangerous. homes that burned in the 80’s and 90’s would take 25-30 minutes before they reached flashover (high enough temperature to cause everything in the room to ignite) in the last decade homes have reached flash over in as little 5 minutes the materials that are used today tend to be more flammable this makes it more dangerous for you. if a fire should start in your home please leave as soon as possible and DO NOT GO BACK IN FOR ANY REASON. There are many examples of people going back in to a burning building and not coming back out. Please feel free to copy these blogs and share them with your friends and family and if you have questions please feel write me.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 00:47:59 +0000

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