So lately i have been increasingly Concerned... Naw thats too nice - TopicsExpress


So lately i have been increasingly Concerned... Naw thats too nice ,Disgusted with the way society has changed. For those that know me yes this may be a rant so you have been warned. Society has become a place of commercialism , selfishness , greed , and attitudes of entitlement. But it doesnt stop there. It has changed the views and opinions and personalities of so many people and in turn changed society as a whole. I agree society has to change and evolve and move forward thats what life is about. However when life has become a place where someone has to prove who they are and what they do , where people are indiscriminately shunned , or ousted , where people are judge jury and executioner , That last part isnt literal either take in the context as everyone judges people by what they say or do , or mean ...... Uh wait a second thats not right, No they dont todays society judges based on assumptions , heresay , and looks . Ill get back to that point in a second . The world as we know it in North America is going down the proverbial drain. Everything we require today was so much simpler at one time or another . Some examples are insurance , cell phones , Employment , Hell if you want to get a loan or a car its the same . The sheer amount of information that is needed is ludicris! They need to know everything short of your DNA . Used to be there was integrity and honor in this world. and i see a little to be fair , but for the most part there is little. The commercialism of everything has become the biggest problem we face . Privacy is no longer a right , because in order to succeed in todays world you have to give that right up. there is the odd few who grew up protecting their privacy and paid the price for it. But today there i no such thing as being private. The internet accelerated that by a HUGE margin. Now back to the point i was talking about , commercialism has changed society today , and because they scrutinize you , now your friends , loved ones , significant others, kids , girlfriends , soon to be girlfriends , want to be girlfirends , parents , old people , young people , rich people and poor people all have changed because of that scrutiny. Today you basically need to grow up as a Resume. Not allowed to make mistakes , not allowed to have a job that might be construed incorrectly later on. Cant buy that crazy toy or whatever because someone will judge you for it and think weird things about you. If you havent groomed yourself from the time you hit puberty then your life is doomed to fail , or atleast be a really crazy uphill battle. The truth of the matter is that unless you think 15 years ahead of time of who you want to be with , who you want to be , where you want to be , what your going to do , and how your going to do it ,then your life is doomed. Life has become more of a Chess game , than a roller coast ride . You need to choose your moves carefully , rather than enjoy the ride. You walk into a bank , they want to know where you work , who your boss is , why you missed a bill , and then they without actually sitting there thinking that this person as made a mistake and is trying to move forward . Risk isnt what it used to be. Taking a chance is gone and a sure thing is in. Be it banks or some other lending source . Unless they have a 100% sure thing , they are not helping you. No risk. Society has been changed and dictated by this commercial attitude . Right down to who you wish to spend your life with , to whether you can buy a first home or not. It really sickens me Maybe its just me , but it needs to collapse so we can rebuild it .
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 02:15:29 +0000

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