So, let me ask you: Is THIS how Christians ought to disagree? When - TopicsExpress


So, let me ask you: Is THIS how Christians ought to disagree? When we disagree over, say, the relative merits of a movie, how should we do so? I would argue that we should disagree charitably, assuming the best motives from those who disagree with us, and recognizing that this is not a salvation issue that should divide us. But read this quote from one reviewer: And the Christian critics? Well, too many have been all balled up in the throes of self-loathing for at least a decade, which leads them to depths of self-contradiction in their popular culture appraisals that never seems to have a bottom. As soon as the momentum around this picture as offensive Scripturally began to go – and it is clear that this was generated intentionally by the studio and PR people promoting Noah – the Christians felt themselves double-dared to show themselves “enlightened” enough to embrace the movie even as it spits in their eye in every way – as an adaptation of Scripture, as a work of cinema, and as a plain old story. ... In this case, the insane need to embrace modern sewage has the critics swallowing huge, gargantuan portions of ROCK PEOPLE! Of course, there is also the sheer profit motive driving some of the reviews... (Barbara Nicolosi) or this one: I have to say something to all those Christian leaders and film critics who saw the early screenings and kept defending the movie, saying in reference to my viral blog post, The movie is different, the movie is different. You cant talk about the movie cause you havent seen it. Shame on you. Shame on you because you knew when you were saying it, that it wasnt true and I was right. You were tools. And Aronofsky is laughing at you behind your backs. Hes subverting your sacred story and hes not even doing it well, but youre still supporting it. I spoke up for the truth, but you wouldnt, and you led me like a sheep to the… Okay, maybe Im not that righteous. Ive lied before too. As the movie Noah would say, meat-eating is in all of us or something like that. (Brian Godawa) or this one: But what if you don’t care about the Bible and you just want to see a good movie? The critics seem to love this film, don’t they? Yes, they do. They love it because they’re a herd of politically correct cattle and this is a movie that they’re ‘supposed’ to like. It’s made by an ‘important’ director. It’s ‘controversial.’ It’s upsetting a bunch of Tea Party types. (Matt Walsh) or this one: Not sure it is worth it for anyone who takes the Bible seriously. I expect the left hail it as a breakthrough with a great new interpretation. Rachel Held Evans will probably hold repeat viewings of it to discuss the feminist implications of this Biblical account, which is no doubt more faithful than the original version. ...I’d wait to see it if I were you. Also, we might should consider burning at the stake any Christian leader who endorses this movie. The book is always better. (Erick Erickson) Do you see the common theme? Anyone who disagrees with me isnt just wrong, they are BAD PEOPLE. They dont like Scripture, they are cattle, hate the Tea Party, are leftists, feminists, sellouts, liars, tools, panderers. They should be burned at the stake (ha! Just joking!). Ill ask you again, is THIS how Christians should disagree?
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:47:21 +0000

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