So let me get this straight. Sicko Rabbi gets arrested for - TopicsExpress


So let me get this straight. Sicko Rabbi gets arrested for spying on women in the Mikvah. (nytimes/2014/10/15/us/prominent-rabbi-arrested-on-a-charge-of-voyeurism.html) Women (and men) made to feel uncomfortable through their conversion process voice their displeasure with the current system. (blogs.timesofisrael/the-convert-bill-of-rights/) Mainstream Modern Orthodox rabbis and laypeople suggest a formal review of the process and reasonable suggestions for improvement. ( People on the left use the scandal to criticize standardized conversions. ( People on the right get really mad that the people on the left are hijacking the scandal to further their goals so they take their ball and go home. (rabbipruzansky/2014/10/30/stepping-down/) People in the middle nuke the people on the right for outrageous lies about the people in the middle. (jewishlinkbc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5496:why-i-am-chairing-the-gps-review-committee-a-response-to-rabbi-steven-pruzansky&catid=150:news&Itemid=562) People on the right use this as an opportunity to expose people on the left as non-Orthodox. (cross-currents/archives/2014/10/30/looting-the-kodesh/) People on the left compare the voyeurism of the rabbi to the voyeurism of Open Orthodoxy witch-hunts. (https://facebook/ysoscher/posts/10152402839678639) People on the right say kind of rhetoric is beyond the pale. (haemtza.blogspot/2014/11/inexcusable.html) People on the right explain how important it is to expose Open Orthodoxy no matter the cost. (cross-currents/archives/2014/11/08/sanctity-and-tradition-where-are-things-heading-and-why-should-we-care-a-response-to-r-ysoscher-katz/) In other words, the voyeur rabbi was really just an excuse to continue fighting about the same things we were fighting about while he was abusing women and which might have contributed to our being asleep at the wheel, because after all, we are very busy fighting amongst ourselves. Who has time for things like rabbinic oversight and caring for converts? Fight the perceived enemy while the inside rots. Meanwhile, the Yated manages to connect Open Orthodoxy to the Shabbos App. (yated/the-shabbos-app-and-open-orthodoxy-in-search-of-orthodox-leadership.7-1349-7-.html) This despite acknowledging that there is no actual connection between the two. Thus, giving the Yated an opportunity to firebomb YCT and OO into oblivion, again. Meanwhile, the Yated will not publish a single word about any of the internal failings of their readership or leadership. Yated readers are led to believe that their world is perfect and the real problems in Judaism are all the doings of something like 75 young graduates of a small liberal rabbinical school. Best of all, the Yated harshly criticizes Modern Orthodoxy for NOT criticizing Open Orthodoxy and blames mainstream Modern Orthodoxy for the very existence of Open Orthodoxy. For real. The two right wing Modern Orthodox rabbis are hailed as heroes but everyone else is complicit. “History will ask, “Where was Centrist and Modern Orthodox rabbinic leadership? Did it feel that it could abdicate all protests on behalf of halachah to the Chareidim?” What?! For the first time in our history as a people, we live in relative safety and security. Jews around the world are pretty safe from outsiders trying to kill us. Luckily, we will do the work of our enemies for them and sabotage ourselves from within. You’re welcome.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:50:21 +0000

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