So, let me tell you about the crying baby at the family comedy - TopicsExpress


So, let me tell you about the crying baby at the family comedy show last night. You know, we have ever changing laws to protect people from second-hand smoke ……….. why not second-hand noise? I guess some would say “live and let live” but this answer only goes so far. We had a baby, could only have been 8 months or so old crying out like a miniature Ozzy Osborne during the show. I was standing at the back of the theatre and could tell that those around were getting uncomfortable and some even annoyed at its howling. Our comedian chose very smartly to ignore it because using a baby as comedy material or ridicule is a line most comedians wisely will not cross. What was interesting though is that nobody said anything. Not the guests in front of, behind and next to mini Ozzy and its parents. If I decided to take off all my clothes, stand on stage and started singing “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen would people just say “live and let live?” …….. would they bollocks. What if I lit up a cigar in the dining room, that’s living too? But no one would let that happen. People would go bonkers. It’s different, I know, because it’s a health hazard. But what if someone has high blood pressure and the stress from a wailing baby puts them at risk of a stroke? That can’t be healthy. But as I listened to the baby cry and saw how hard the comedian was having to work not to let it affect him…………I did bugger all about it. When it comes to how parents handle their children, it’s never a good idea to interfere. It’s okay if you interrupt to tell them how adorable the baby is, but anything else is risky. People have no problem asking a stranger to go outside to talk on a cell phone. But asking a parent to take their baby outside…. you’ll be beaten to death with a bag of diapers. It was a good seven or 8 minutes before Mum took mini Ozzy out and bravo to the comedian for not making comment. My question, if you had been me, would you have asked the parents to take the baby outside ? cheers
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:03:49 +0000

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