So lets have a decent conversation about this...I am half Turkish - TopicsExpress


So lets have a decent conversation about this...I am half Turkish and half Persian my friends know this... 1. I condone the way these Turkish youths reacted. Infact I think if they were to protest them then I would be more sympathetic towards them but to hit 2 human beings regardless of country they are from is against my stance. 2. Turkey is a great country...not a terrorist state and unfortunately most Americans dont even know where it is let alone realise that it is the only Muslim country that is truly democratic people can wear what they like has amazing places to visit and people are amazingly friendly and helpful. 3. For those who dont understand why this happened...its because a few years back USA soldiers landed and put white bags over our soldiers, a nato allie and taken them to be questioned and raided our outpost. This was an unprovoked attack. 4. USA does get involved in every part of the world...yes it does make those of you USA citizens happy to protect your interest abroad for you to control world resources (yes thats right its not about democracy or peoples rights etc) so you can have cheaper goods and bigger cars etc...This policy your government follows does get reactions and it ends up being as above. Want to be honest...a Free world? Democratic world? Then open all borders let everyone have the same rights as USA citizens regarding VISA etc help fund education round the world and stop all military action and embargo comes to mind...but overall have a passive policy. Maybe then you make friends rather than enemies and worry about such reactions.... I can go on and on and I am sure like in every country there will be some true american loving nationalists who will write back to me but I ask you to think twice before you start to shout scream or degrade me or my makes you as shit as these idiots who did what they did to your countrymen and those american idiots (or the superiors who gave the order) who put bags over the army personel in Turkey. Why have I reacted this way...Just read the comments below the video...too many hippocredes and not enough brains or understanding of politics and power struggle in the world we live in...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 00:47:39 +0000

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