So lets have a discussion about a major event unfolding, the Ebola - TopicsExpress


So lets have a discussion about a major event unfolding, the Ebola outbreak. Things are starting to look pretty serious. Ebola has spread to Lagos, Nigeria, the largest city in Africa with a population of 21,000,000 people. The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak uncontrollable. Here in the United States, the CDC is setting up 20 quarantine centers and the government has gained the power to detain any person who is suspected of carrying any contagious disease. All of the media coverage saying that Ebola isnt airborne, is a lie. A Canadian laboratory in 2012 found that ebola traveled between pigs and monkeys in separate cages that had no physical contact at all, meaning that it had only one way to spread, through the air. We are hearing a lot from the CDC, US Government and the Media that an Ebola outbreak here In the US or anywhere else in the world is impossible. They say this while they set up quarantine centers, pass new laws and issue the National Guard equipment to deal with a viral outbreak. When they tell you not to worry and stay calm, thats when its time to worry. What do you kameraden think of all this? What are your plans if this becomes a worldwide epidemic? -Der Kommandant
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:15:14 +0000

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