So let’s talk about the present. First, forgive the unpleasant - TopicsExpress


So let’s talk about the present. First, forgive the unpleasant reminder, but in an era when the gravest threats to America emanate from two malevolent, expansionist ideologies – Marxism and Shariah Islam – we have twice elected a president in thrall to both. And the cowardly and craven news media made it happen. Moreover, government is broken, our culture is in the toilet, family breakdown is rampant, drug dependency (illegal and legal) are the new normal and God is increasingly being shut out of our society. You get the picture. As we try to comprehend how America could possibly have sunk so low so quickly (remember, just 25 years ago Reagan was president and it was “morning in America”), along comes Ion Mihai Pacepa to once again expose the secret super-lies of sociopathic leaders and to shine his unique light into the oncoming darkness. For this reason he has written “Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism,” coauthored with historian and law professor Ronald Rychlak and published by WND Books. I was honored to be involved as the book’s editor, and also as a scriptwriter and on-screen contributor to the companion feature-length film documentary, “Disinformation: The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West.” That’s all fine, you say. But really, what does a former communist spymaster have to say that is relevant to me today? Let’s see: Little things like why so much of the Western world has disastrously turned against its own founding faith, Christianity. Or why “radical Islam” and jihadist terrorism, after a long period of apparent quiescence, suddenly burst onto the scene in modern times to attack not only Israel but America. (Hint: PLO leader Yasser Arafat and his successor Mahmoud Abbas, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini and even al-Qaida top dog Ayman al-Zawahiri were all trained by the KGB.) Little things like why the U.S. lost the Vietnam War when our heroic soldiers won every single battle – and how current Secretary of State John Kerry greatly facilitated this loss by championing KGB disinformation. Little things like why Marxism is increasingly manifesting in the U.S., even at the highest levels of government, creating a virtual coup d’etat intended to “fundamentally transform” free America into a centrally planned socialist state. Is that relevant enough for you?
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 01:30:05 +0000

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